The great gesture of Mbappé


St. Petersburg. aGENCIA

Kylian Mbappé does not only delight the world with the football show that he presents in a field of play. The striker of the France team also shows his greatness out of it . For example, he has already decided what to do with the prize he will receive for the final of the 2018 Russia World Cup.

In the event that he wins the title of this event, the PSG player will charge a sum almost 400,000 euros. If you lose it, it will be 280,000. Mbappé decided to donate this prize to various associations, as announced by the French Football Federation (FFF).

"Kylian Mbappé opted for a personal position by leaving almost all his recipes to various associations.Other players were grouped, we helped them a little," said the FFF

Sources close claim that some of the money would go to some of the coaching staff.

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