The Health Risks of Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs


A new study promoted by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) indicates that the presence of chemicals in the pool water does not guarantee the absence of 39, harmful organisms to the environment. human body. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, stomach upset or vomiting. Of 633 outbreaks of bacteria, viruses and other organisms in the environment, about 80% of them were detected in chlorinated water or other products. clean chemicals from pools and jacuzzis. The studies, which analyzed outbreaks from 2000 to 2014, revealed 493 outbreaks in which more than 27,000 people suffered from an illness and eight died of pathogens in recreational waters treated with chemicals. The results did not include illnesses related to private swimming pools or cases in which only one person had fallen ill.

If these figures are compared with the equivalent figures for swimming in lakes, rivers, ponds and others; there are only 140 outbreaks with nearly 5,000 patients and two deaths, according to the CDCP. "People have a false sense of security when they go to the pools. They think that chlorine kills everything and it's not like that, "says Trisha Robinson, a senior epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health. In this state, there have been 51 cases of disease outbreaks in recreational waters over the last decade, of which only nine in lakes or rivers

. Even with these numbers compared to outbreaks of foodborne diseases, they have recently been associated with abandoned lettuce, precut melon, raw vegetable dishes, cereals, eggs and restaurants where workers do not wash their hands; the risk of suffering from a disease transmitted by water is relatively low.

Chlorine Does Not Protect 100%

Swimming pools usually have qualified personnel who daily monitor chemical levels and record added products. The problem arises when people are added to the mix. "It's a common bathtub, you share water and germs with everyone there," Robinson says. Although chlorine and other chemicals help to neutralize a large number of bacteria and other organisms, many outbreaks of those analyzed in the study were produced by Cryptosporidium, a small parasite that can survive in chlorinated waters for more than seven days.

According to the study, the main source of the problem is human fecal matter. While the accident of a baby can be a nightmare, even the most demanding adults could be the source if they do not shower before entering the pool. Failure to take proper precautions could cause illness and stomach upset to many people. Most aquatic transmission diseases cause intestinal discomfort, diarrhea, fever and vomiting.

The requirement of the shower is also necessary before swimming in a lake, but the larger size of most lakes causes bacteria. The microscopic parasites are more dispersed, which reduces the likelihood of infection even if the water is swallowed accidentally.

"Swimming is a great activity, but no matter where you swim, you should try not to swallow," says Robinson. Source: Very interesting operating system

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