The heat wave causes a shortage of beer in Germany


Source: Archive

FRANKFURT (AFP) – The high temperatures affecting Germany during this summer have meant that beer consumption has doubled, which has resulted in the lack of boxes and bottles. An increase in consumption that made it difficult for recyclers to provide packaging.

The German Brewers Association noted that in 2018, there was a "particularly pronounced" shortage of beer bottles and boxes to transport them. Teutonic consumers have the habit of returning the boxes with bottles of any drink purchased in supermarkets and paying a small deposit or slogan.

Regarding the particular situation, the sector is calling on consumers to return as much as possible before going on vacation. Indeed, the brewery Fiege has launched a call to its customers via its Facebook account.

"Although we regularly buy new empty bottles, they are becoming scarce in our bottling facilities, so before going on vacation this summer, take your Moritz Fiege containers to the store first, the deposit , then the party! Was the text they published on July 19.

Beer consumption usually increases in summer, although during this season summer temperatures were exceptionally early and lasting. According to Niklas Other, editor of the magazine "Inside", the calculations of the brewing industry itself have been passed, he told the German news agency DPA

After three years of decline, a year of massive consumption is announced. of beer for this season. The Germans ingested an average of 101 liters of beer
per capita in 2017, compared to about 140 liters in the 1980s. If the consumer trend persists, 2018 could approach record numbers.

The increase of what the summer season has not always declined despite the 4.1% increase in the price of beer in the last year, as indicated by the Federal Office of statistics days

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