The IACHR is concerned by the lack of implementation of precautionary measures by the State


When the director of the Institute of Strategic Studies and Public Policy (Ieepp), Felix Maradiaga, was beaten on July 11 by supporters of Ortega in León, he had already received precautionary measures of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. ), confirms a press release from this organization, expressing its concern "for the lack of effective implementation of precautionary measures."

LEA: The beneficiaries of the IACHR's precautionary measures are still awaiting the protection of the State of Nicaragua. 19659002] "It is urgent that the State of Nicaragua adopt measures to prevent any attack against the beneficiaries and that risky events such as those reported against Mr. Maradiaga are not repeated," said Commissioner Francisco Eguiguren , rapporteur on human rights defenders.

This week, at least four of the beneficiaries took precautionary measures On behalf of the IACHR, among them the Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, Monsignor Silvio José Báez, was attacked by paramilitaries who violently penetrated in the basilica of San Sebastián, Diriamba

"It is essential that the State of Nicaragua Human rights defenders can carry out their activities of reporting and documentation of the rights situation of human beings, freely and in conditions of security.It depends to a large extent on whether victims of human rights violations can be heard and have access to justice, "said the IACHR

On July 9, 2018, the IACHR adopted resolution 50/2018 of precautionary measures to protect the rights to life and personal integrity of Maradiaga, after having been the target of threats and follow-up and har of national and international reporting of acts of violence in the country. While recalling that "it is the duty of the State to investigate exhaustively aggression, as well as to try and punish the guilty ".

"The armed persons – one hooded and the other wearing a helmet – would have seized the opportunity on the recipient and shot at the vehicle where he was being transported. Threats have been broadcast in social networks, which have even announced the intention to assassinate Mr. Maradiaga.The above would be preceded by several follow-up by Toyota Hilux trucks without license plate and by people on a motorcycle! ", Explains the press release

READ: The IACHR gives precautionary measures to thirteen university leaders

he knew that after the notification of the resolution of July 11" hooded individuals would have gone to where he was and he would have been beaten "on the site where the political scientist met members of the" 19 April Movement ", in León

" This attack was allegedly perpetrated a few days after a group of people encago The ulcers allegedly temporarily detained Mr. Maradiaga while he was driving on a road leading to Matagalpa, "notes the IACHR after condemning the attack. immediately all necessary measures to protect the life and integrity of Maradiaga, and all persons

In its communication, the IACHR states that, through its special monitoring mechanism for Nicaragua (Meseni ), she continued to adopt precautionary measures "to protect people who are at grave and urgent risk of harm. irreparable. "

Survivors of the massacre are also protected

Thus, in addition to Maradiaga, the IACHR considered it appropriate to take protective measures in favor of the survivors of the massacred family in the Carlos Marx district.

Janeth Velásquez López and his family were given protective measures.The Commission explains that it took into account that the family's home and business had been set on fire on 15 June 2018, its members are dead, including two children, and that although there are different versions of the event leaders and a technical team would have been created to clarify the situation, "the allegations of eventual state involvement are particularly serious that the fire would have occurred deliberately. "

" The Commission was informed that the family could not leave on the street because of fear and they would be hiding in a house. we are deprived in a situation of great vulnerability, "said the IACHR in the statement.

To this list add Isaac de Jesús Molina Rojas and Fabiola Mercedes Villafranca Gutiérrez who has been the subject of three attacks against his life, in the last, receive two shots against him, one in l & # 39; 39; abdomen and another in his back, realizing survivors

Also Edwin Manuel Acevedo Hernández, Jose Dolores Borge Porra and Manuel Hernández Vega, who were detained "by armed persons in plain clothes and at the time of l '. arrest, one of them would have been injured in the leg ". 19659002] "Subsequently, the beneficiaries reportedly appeared in a state-run detention center known as El Chipote, and also reported threats that the attackers would return to the house where they were formerly refugees. "To kill the people", explains the IACHR after having noted that the request for provisional measures had been received when it accompanied the Commission of Verification and Security in the release of the three prisoners.

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