The IML confirms that the Brazilian is shot in the chest • El Nuevo Diario


The Institute of Forensic Medicine (IML) issued a statement Wednesday confirming that the Brazilian medical student, Rayneia Gabrielle Lima, 31, died of a bullet in the chest without specify the size.

] The National Police did not reveal the identity of the shooter or the type of weapon and bullet he used.

The young woman was murdered Monday night in the residential district Lomas de Monserrat, Managua, when the car in the moving was rafagueado. We do not know where the vehicle is.

"The Brazilian citizen's body entered the IML at 4:30 am this Tuesday, July 24, from the military hospital, and performed a post-mortem autopsy. 39, it was determined that the bullet had been wounded by a bullet fired into a firearm from the chest and abdomen. "

Information on the type of bullets and weapons used against the girl are relevant National awards the crime to a security guard.

However, residents of the area claim that the girl was killed by a group of armed hooded civilians who remained there. They also said they heard gun explosions at the same time that, according to the police, the attack had occurred.

Lima was taken to the military hospital by her boyfriend, who still does not seem to be safe

Doctors had already informed El Nuevo Diario on Tuesday that Rayneia Gabrielle Lima had been shot in the thorax, and noted that the bullet came from a "high caliber" weapon.

"She arrived with almost no vital sign., He had a huge bleeding, he had a blood transfusion and he was taken to the operating room. was a bullet that crossed the liver and thorax.It was a high caliber weapon, because the hole that caused in the thorax was 15 centimeters and it does not make a bullet, "said the medical source. El Nuevo Diario

"A security guard, who barely counts with a gun, he has no opportunity to shoot as many times as he has heard," commented a neighbor.

The IML said that the consular affairs delegate of the Brazilian Embassy in Nicaragua, Martha Cuadra,

The institution said that she would hand over the body when the embassy staff would require

Requests for help

This Wednesday Maria da Costa, 55, mother of the murdered Brazilian doctor in Managua, she asked for help authorities of his country to repatriate the body of his daughter.

"I want all Brazil to mobilize and the authorities to take action to bring back the body of my daughter" I want the one who killed my daughter to pay dearly, "she added.

The Government de Pernambuco is committed to the family of the victim to bear the cost of moving the body to his hometown.

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