The incendiary attack is reduced to the center of ash rehabilitation in southern Chile


An incendiary attack in the region of Biobío in southern Chile has burned down a rehabilitation center for a Christian community, police said today

. in the city of Tirúa, where there were about five people who were allowed to leave the premises before setting fire to the property.

The local prosecutor ordered that the carabinieri of Chile lead the investigations, although the arrival of the police was hampered by the trees that the perpetrators had put on the road.

This time the police did not find pamphlets referring to the Mapuche cause, which has been manifested for years in La Araucanía and in the Biobío region, about 650 kilometers south of Santiago

In southern Chile, a conflict has been going on for several decades between Mapuche communities claiming ancestral lands. agricultural and forestry enterprises that in recent years have triggered outbreaks of violence in which many villagers, policemen and farmers have died.

In addition, several dozen members of the community were prosecuted and sentenced for various crimes, mainly attacks. arsonists. EFE

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