"The independence of Venezuela has been celebrated by all generations," said President Maduro – Correo del Orinoco


"The independence of Venezuela has been celebrated by all generations," said President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro Moros on Friday.

Through his account on Twitter the head of the state noted that thanks to the commander of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, Venezuelans and Venezuelans celebrate the aforementioned date in a free country.

"The independence of Venezuela has been celebrated by all generations, some at war and others under the torment of neocolonialism.Our generation, thanks to Chávez, commemorates the historic act with the homeland and in a Military Civic Union, "he tweeted.

A few minutes later, the President also recalled: "This July 5th is a day of commitment to swear by heart and for a year we have been able to defeat the attempt of a civil war, we let us defeat with the law those who steal the tranquility of the people with the criminal economic war. "

Text / Luis Lovera Calanche
Source / @ NicolasMaduro

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