The international alliance of tax agencies will pursue tax crimes related to cryptocurrencies


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States announced the establishment of a new joint force of authorities that will work to fight international and transnational tax crimes, including cybercrimes facilitated by cryptocurrencies, as well as money laundering.

The coalition will fight against international and transnational tax crimes, including cybercrimes facilitated by cryptocurrencies, and money laundering.

Simon York, director of the Fraud Investigation Service "it is crucial to continue working with international allies to put an end to these threats" and that "fiscal crimes and money laundering" 39, silver grow globally and they become more sophisticated ".

In this sense, many tax agencies from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands will join the IRS to form a joint operational alliance, called J5, which will will focus on sharing information and intelligence, improving operational capabilities by leading new approaches and conducting joint operations to call those who facilitate tax crimes outside the country to account.

The Joint Force was created from the call of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development to countries to put more of their own With respect to cryptocurrencies, Hans van der Vlist, Director of the Information and Tax Research Service of the Netherlands, said: "What makes the J5 unique is the operational collaboration between five countries to eliminate professional facilitators who facilitate crimes. Taxes in other countries, cybercrime and the threat of cryptocurrencies in the tax administration In addition to making the most of the information and technology available at the international level ".

The statement does not specify how the alliance will work to combat cryptocurrency threats, related to tax crimes, however, updates for this and other initiatives will be presented here. end of 2018.

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