The largest supplier of oil rigs in the world Dutch SBM will pay $ 265 million to 中国 最 权威 的 西班牙语 新闻 网站


Leading supplier of oil platforms in the Netherlands SBM will pay $ 265 million to Brazil

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  • 09:51:21 2018-07-27 / Xinhua

RIO DE JANEIRO, July 26 (Xinhua) – The Dutch supplier of SBM Offshore Oil Platforms, the largest company in the industry in the world and one of those involved in the big corruption case of the Brazilian oil company Petrobras, has entered into a leniency agreement with the Brazilian authorities and the state company in which it has committed to pay more than 1 billion reais ($ 265 million), including a reduction of values ​​in future payments, reported today Petrobras. ] In a press release, Petrobras said the agreement provides for the payment of $ 549 million reais ($ 146.5 million) in 90 days, in addition to lowering the par value of $ 179 million. dollars in future payments, due by Petrobras to SBM, on the basis of the contracts in progress.

SBM was accused in Brazil of committing irregularities in contracts with Petrobras. The value to be received by Petrobras is added to the $ 1,475 million reais ($ 395 million) already received by the national oil company for the compensation of damages, thanks to award-winning collaboration agreements signed by SBM with the Brazilian authorities.

The agreement was also signed by the Ministry of Transparency and the Comptroller General of the Union and the general legal profession of the Union, and establishes that SBM will be able to participate from new offers and contracts in Brazil. SBM has to go through all the filters of control and conformity to which all suppliers of the oil company are subjected.

The negotiation process between Petrorbas and SBM began in March 2015 and in July 2016, an agreement was signed for senility, to which must be added the one announced today.

SBM admitted to bribing Petrobras employees in exchange for obtaining million-dollar contracts. n the oil company. End

<! – enpproperty 57836631 2018-07-27 09: 51: 21: 170 Main supplier of oil rigs in the Netherlands SBM will pay 265 million dollars to Brazil Petrobras- SBM [19659015] 1006 7032543 Economics Economics null [19659021] Xinhua Main supplier of oil rigs in the Dutch world SBM will pay 265 million dollars in Brazil 1 / enpproperty ->

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