The Latin American Film Festival is installed in Brazil with 77 films


And suddenly the sunrise, La Redención and The Weak are some of the 77 films from 11 countries of the region that will be screened in São Paulo during the 13th edition of the Festival du Latin American film

One of the main attractions of the festival, which brings together some of the latest essential deliveries of contemporary cinema in Latin America and the Caribbean, is the most recent production of acclaimed Chilean filmmaker Silvio Caiozzi, And suddenly dawn, accompanying a writer in returning to his homeland after 45 years.

With his usual sensitivity and expertise, Caiozzi, who will present his new work in person in São Paulo, will capture the burden before the camera The protagonist suffers dilemmas and ghosts of the past haunting him for nearly five decades.

Venezuelan filmmaker Margarita Cadenas makes an impact on her film Women of Venezuelan Chaos, while the polar bear of Mexican Marcelo Tobar, accompanies the day of three friends who go to a school meeting and they share their memories of ancient times.

In addition, the program will feature well-known productions, many of them selected in international festivals, such as the Colombian Keyla, which tells the story of 39 a girl looking for her fisherman's father, after that he did not return home.

Another feature film, The Weak, by directors Raúl Rico (Mexico) and Eduardo Giralt Brun (Venezuela), also selected for the Berlin Film Festival, focuses on the thirst for revenge. a boy after his beloved dog is killed.

In the last edition, more than 30,000 people visited the various spaces that presented the belts. participants, according to the director of the Memorial Foundation of Latin America, Priscila Franco, one of the organizers of the event.

"The festival remains true to its original proposal to discuss the aesthetic panorama of the audiovisual in Latin America, to contribute to the training of the spectators and, at the same time, promote the exchange between professionals" said the director in his cover letter.

Some of the invited directors will participate in parallel activities, such as the Chilean Che Sandoval, whose film Dry Martina, or filmmaker Marialy Rivas, presented his film Princesita to festivals such as Toronto or San Sebastián.

seven days of programming, until August 1, the festival will host the selection offered by Latin American production and celebrates the "common denominators" "

" The perception that some fundamental aspects are shared by Latin Americans cross the centuries and today this circumstance is intensifying, "said another of the organizers, Danilo Santos de Miranda.

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