The Mayor of Caroní commemorates 235 years of the birth of liberator Simón Bolívar


Ciudad Guayana .- "235 years of the birth of Father of the Fatherland and Liberator of America, Simón Bolívar, the legendary man who fought and gave his life to the free nations dominated by the Spaniards

Today, we say with pride, thank you Bolívar, thank you for making us independent, and let us your teachings continue to face, to those who more than 200 years later try to maintain the oppression of the noble peoples of Latin America. "

The mayor of Caroní, Tito Oviedo, during the act of floral offering, to honor the 235 years of the birth of the liberator Simón Bolívar, this Tuesday, July 24. The activity was carried out from the community UD 103 in San Felix, parish Simón Bolívar.

The maximum authority of Caroni was accompanied by Pedro Perales , Member of the Legislative Council of Bolivar State (Cleb), Roselys Salazar, Secretary We are Venezuela Caroní (MSV), members of his management firm and the community in general.

Bolívar, still Bolívar

The mayor of Caroní, Tito Oviedo, was happy to arrive Tuesday until the parish Simón Bolívar of San Felix, to share with the families and honor a date so important for the countries of Latin America.

He said that the leader of the revolution, Hugo Chávez, has lifted the banners and teachings since his arrival in the government. from Bolívar, to remind people of the relevance of the so-called "American man's" struggle.

"Our commander Chávez was a faithful scholar of the ideas and thoughts of Simón Bolí var, and his readings to the people were always marked by the actions of the Liberator in the years of independence, when the sister nations were subject by great empires. "

Oviedo pointed out that more than 200 years after the birth of Simon Bolivar, his ideas are in the hearts of all the countries he has liberated, with greater strength in feeling Venezuelan, in his legacy left by Hugo Chávez and who is now followed by President Nicolás Maduro

"Thanks for Bolívar, Bolívar Bolívar, it is not a dead thought, so let sit in his words of the great Ali First Bolívar, always Bolívar Here are your children willing to defend your thoughts and your ideals. "

Celebration with the people

The mayor of Caroní took the opportunity to share with the neighbors of Simon Bolivar Parish in San Felix, UD 103, which celebrated 56 years of foundation on Tuesday.

The maximum municipal authority gave gifts to children and participated in cultural, sports and recreational activities, prepared by the community to celebrate this date. "I congratulate all the families who live in sector 103, Simón Bolívar parish in San Felix, for its 56 years of foundation and history, we are honored to share with you and strengthen the links between the municipal government and municipal." Press Caroní Town Hall

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