The Mayor of Guacara inaugurated C.E.I.B "Esperanza de Mocundo" in Aragüita


On Friday, the Mayor of Guacara, Johan Castañeda, promoted the inclusion of children in education through preschool education and inaugurated the Bolivarian Initial Education Center (CEIB) "Esperanza de Mocundo", in the area of ​​Aragüita. which will benefit more than 140 children in the south of the city.

At the act of cutting the ribbon building, the highest authority of the jurisdiction, pointed out that as a teacher has a special responsibility regarding the issue of education in the municipality, guaranteeing training centers in optimal conditions for the integral training of local children.

In addition, the local president stated that his commitment is maintained with the children of the municipality, who represent the future of our country; He also quoted a thought of El Libertador Simón Bolívar: "Let's make a heart for our children for the beautiful, for the great, for the way to the homeland."

Mayor Castañeda was accompanied by the director of municipal education, Carlos Humberto Sánchez; Teresa Belisario, representing the coordination of the initial education of the educational zone of Carabobo; the director of the educational institution, Iveth Cordero; Yulimar Farfán, head of the commune of Mocundo, Professor Héctor Navas and Professor Isadia Torres, representatives of the Ministry of Education; Iraima Torrealba, supervisor of Circuit 11 of Aragüita and the president of the Guacara Institute of Housing and Equipment, Freddy Cordero.

The educational center has an address, 5 classrooms, 3 bathrooms and 1 kitchen, serving more than 140 children, in the morning and afternoon positions, covering the population of 39; preschool age of La Ceiba, Santa Bárbara, La Franja, Simón Bolívar and Tercentenary communities.

  Esperanza de Mocundo
The first municipal leader expressed his commitment to the education of local children Photo: Prensa Mayor de Guacara

  Esperanza de Mocundo
The first mayor expressed his commitment to the Education of local children Photo: Prensa Mayor de Guacara

Representatives benefited

Representatives present in the activity manifested your satisfaction with this new training space for your children. In this sense, Eglibet Caldera, "thanked the Mayor Johan Castañeda for the inauguration of the educational center, where children from the sector and neighboring communities between 3 and 4 years old will benefit.

While Ricardo Medina, representative of the inaugurated campus, said: "I thank God first, Mayor Johan Castañeda and the Mayor of Guacara for supporting the realization of this kindergarten in the area."

  Esperanza by Mocundo
Eglibet Caldera Photo: Press Guacara City Hall

  Esperanza de Mocundo
Ricardo Medina Photo: Press Guacara Town Hall

Official information of Guacara Town Hall

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