The measles epidemic arrives in Venezuela's Brazil


SAO PAULO.- An outbreak of measles extended in Brazil after the arrival of some cases from Venezuela next [19659003] More than 460 cases of measles were confirmed this year in two border states, the Ministry of Health reported on Monday. It is feared that the epidemic has reached a tribe isolated from Amazonas which has little defenses against such diseases.

Photo: Illustration / Pixabay

The World Health Organization declared the Americas as free from measles in 2016, but there could be some imported outbreaks. This is what happened in Brazil, where the disease crossed the border with people fleeing the economic and political collapse in Venezuela.

Measles is transmitted by air and is highly contagious. Although there is no specific treatment for the disease, the vaccine is very effective. Symptoms include fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat and a rash that covers the entire body.

More than 2,000 cases have been reported in Venezuela since the beginning of an epidemic last year. The oil country's health system before a regional model, has collapsed amidst the economic and political crisis.

More than one million Venezuelans, including many doctors, fled to neighboring countries, in some cases carrying disease.

To fight against the disease, the Brazilian authorities offer vaccinations to foreigners who register with the federal police and make great efforts to vaccinate the entire population. The measles vaccine is a routine issue for Brazilians, but authorities have increased vaccinations in the states of Roraima and Amazonas.

The Survival International organization said that an epidemic could devastate the Yanomani tribe, who lives on both sides of the Brazilian-Venezuelan border in the Amazon.

Up to now, 23 yanomanis with symptoms have sought In Brazil, said the indigenous people's defense organization, a case has been confirmed. There could be many more cases in Venezuela, where it is more difficult to obtain information, according to the organization.

In this article:

  • Disease
  • Outbreak
  • Measles
  • Brazil
  • Health
  • Venezuela
  • Tribe
  • Amazonas

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