The measles epidemic threatens to extinguish the indigenous Yanomami population


It is estimated that the virus began to circulate through Yanomami populations in mid-March | Photo: Referential

Caracas – The measles epidemic is wreaking havoc among indigenous peoples. The Venezuelan Society of Public Health and the Red Defend the National Epidemiology warned Friday about the possible extinction of members of the Yanomami ethnic group, which lives in the border area between the Venezuela and Brazil because of the disease

The Yanomami Indians most affected by the epidemic are those who settled in the municipality of Alto Orinoco and in the towns of Alto Ocamo – Parima ] from Venezuela. The circulation of the virus by the zones began in mid-March.

The spread of measles caught the natives unprepared. The NGO Wataniba stated that the policy of the health authorities has focused its immunization policy on the protection of children, but that in communities there are indigenous people who have never been vaccinated against measles. massive displacement especially illegal miners, who come to the areas to exploit the gold.

Read also: A Venezuelan boy with measles entered Peru

"The epidemic can be devastating because of the epidemiological vulnerability of this city to the disease as it was in the decade of the 60s of the twentieth century, when a measles epidemic has dined 9% of the population of the Yanomami ethnic group ", stress in the document of the Venezuelan Society of Public Health.

of the organization reported that it is in the presence of a "epidemiological boomerang effect" to highlight that the circulation of the virus affects the Yanomami living in Venezuela arrived from Brazil, despite the fact that the disease reached the Brazilian territory after mid-February will begin to emigrate Venezuelans from the states of Bolivar and Delta Amacuro, due to the health and food situation Yanomami organization Horonami said that the epidemic has arrived at the border with Brazil because in Awaris and Onkiola communities, measles cases and deaths have been reported by the disease in Boa Vista , in the state of Roraima. He warned that the virus could spread to other Yanomami populations.

See also: AUDIO | Venezuela lost recognition of PAHO who declared it free from measles

Various organizations that monitor the rights of indigenous people called for strengthening and urgently needed measures to prevent further measles of infections in the population which, in addition to not being immunized, lacks immunity natural agents to infectious. The Horonami organization has asked the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples and the Ombudsman to take urgent measures and develop a coordinated vaccination campaign with the Brazilian health authorities.

In the first six months of 2018, eleven American countries reported confirmed cases of measles. Venezuela is the most ill country with the virus reported to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and it is estimated that in just one year there has been an increase of 114.3% cases in the country. The epidemic affects the populations of 22 Venezuelan states and, in addition, has spread to four continents nations (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru). PAHO has asked Venezuela for urgent measures to prevent the spread of the disease, which has re-emerged in the country in 2017. Only 35 deaths have been recognized by PAHO, although more than 100 deaths have been reported unofficially treated.

19659015] Preliminary information, obtained by organizations such as NGO Wataniba indicate that at least 23 natives of the Hokomawe and Momoi areas moved to Boa Vista in Brazil, one of which received confirmation of the virus. Last May, it was known that 25 cases of the communities of Oroshi and Irotha (Brazil), 25% were over 25 years old. Difficulties in accessing indigenous health agency facilities have made it difficult to obtain information on the actual number of people affected.

Up to 30 May 2018, Brazilian health authorities notified 375 suspected cases of measles in 11 municipalities in the state of Roraima, of whom 182 were of Venezuelan nationality and 32% belonged to indigenous ethnic groups . In the case of confirmed cases, of the 83 affected by the virus, 57 came from Venezuela, of whom 34 were indigenous. Most cases were positive for the D8 virus genotype, which was identified in Venezuelan patients in 2017.

See also: Venezuela has accumulated 1,558 cases of measles between January and June 2018

July 9 Last, Horonami pointed out that the virus causes several deaths in the adult population, especially in areas such as the Tacori area, located in Alto Ocamo in the state of Amazonas. Wataniba reported on July 10, 2018 that the disease had affected and caused the deaths of residents of all ages in various communities.
It is estimated that 1,440 indigenous people belonging to the Sanema subgroup are the most affected in the territory. Venezuelan

Up to July 7th, 121 cases of measles in the Upper Orinoco were recorded, including 53 deaths. "The difficulty of access to the area makes it very difficult to vaccinate and assist seriously ill people, who must be transferred to the nearest hospital in La Esmeralda, the capital of the municipality. 39, Alto Orinoco ", emphasize the specialists of the Company. Venezuelan Public Health

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