The Minka bakery is a trench of rebellion against capitalism – Correo del Orinoco


The Socialist leader, Elías Jaua, on Wednesday emphasized the importance of obtaining common status as a demand for organized popular power in favor of national development, following what he realized Minka communal bakery

Jaua in his popular radio show Encuentro Popular, performed in the Minka bakery of Baralt Avenue in Caracas, expressed that it is a trench of rebellion struggle against capitalism and concrete solutions for our people, to face the two great enemies of the Venezuelan people, capitalism bureaucracy wild and authoritarian.

Minka Bakery is a space recovered by the Bolivarian government that produces 8,000 loaves of bread a day for distribution in CLAP 18 of Altagracia Parish, serving about 1,700 families, as reported by their workers in the radio program

José Solorzano, baker of Minka, pointed out that the production of bread For the organization, "this bread no longer reaches the community because we have fortified a large platform."

"The bread is not a commodity, but a food for a people in struggle We do not just produce bakers, we are revolutionaries engaged in social transformation," says Solorzano

. In this sense, Carlos Infante of the Black Commune Miguel announced that a program called "Chávez spent here" was created for the economic war, "with self-directed resources we can hit the landlords hard."

For his part, Angel Prado of Maizal Township said that the production of the corn field this year is not going to children of La Polar, the neighborhoods of organized communities, "we encouraged other territories communities to join the corn production, despite the difficulties. "

Jaua said that "people do not have to be afraid, they must rebel against the unjust, so it is that we save the Bolivarian revolution." A people is fighting for it. independence and socialism that they feel that a path to supreme happiness is built next to them. "

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