The most unusual events of the 2018 Russian World Cup | World Russia 2018


The provocative fingers of Diego Maradona and Robbie Williams, an insect in the mouth of Hugo Lloris, Neymar lying on the grass and an AFP photographer buried under a mountain of Croatian footballers: the Cup of Russia-2018 world, which ended Sunday, also gave rise to moments and curious images.

Robbie Williams, an opening with controversy

Russia opened its World Cup by crushing a very weak Saudi team (5-0), but before that there was an opening ceremony on June 14, which served to lift the curtain. It was a short, even minimalist act, with which the organizers hoped to avoid any scandal. But they did not have a provocative gesture of Robbie Williams, the British singer, who made an obscene gesture, a "comb" raising the middle finger with one hand, heading towards a camera. Why did he do it? A few days later he explained that he "was under pressure" for the little time he had left until the end of the act and that with that finger he wanted to " mark the countdown of one minute ". "I can not believe myself There's a stalemate between good judgment and me, it happened to me to do something and tell me, five minutes later, if I really did it" he admitted.

] Another figure accustomed to generating controversy made the headlines a few days later: Diego Maradona, who was supporting Russia in Argentina, was in the stands for Albiceleste's match against Nigeria ( 2-1) and eclipsed Lionel Messi. Maradona lived the game intensely and played in all kinds of gestures. Effusive celebrations, two "combs", easily readable insults in reading the lips … until a nap then an indisposition that forced him to receive medical attention.

Lloris and Insects

Hugo Lloris is one of the best archers in the world, as he has shown in the World Cup. When the captain of the Blues is in shape, he stops the best strikers in the world … and also insects. In the quarterfinals against Uruguay, an insect was introduced into the mouth of goalkeeper Tottenham. It was held quarter of an hour ago. The camera showed Lloris spitting out the insect, which could escape safely. The sequence has not escaped social networks.

The Neymar Show

Neymar had a complicated World-2018. Expected as the savior of the Brazilian team and his fans, the Paris Saint-Germain player has been the subject of jokes around the world. The main reason was the excesses taken into account in the simulations of faults, which according to a Swiss TV channel cost 14 minutes of play in the first four matches of the Seleçao in Russia-2018.

An attitude that bothered many, like the former Dutch player Marco Van Basten: "This is not a good attitude, it's better to do one's best, if you make too much of theater does not help you. " Neymar should understand that, "said the 53-year-old American, 1992. Mexico coach Juan Carlos Osorio spoke of what was" a shame for football. "

D & # 39 others took it with humor, like the ex-French footballer Eric Cantona, who in a "sketch" for Eurosport baptized a yellow suitcase like Neymar, touching it a little "so that it does not not stop turning "


Yuri Cortez, AFP photographer, has become one of the unexpected stars of the World Cup in the home straight: in the semifinal won by Croatia against England (2-1) in overtime, he was buried under several Croatian players goal of victory, the work of Mario Mandzukic

"Suddenly, there were four or five in front of me and I sit in the chair and I take the pictures in front of them, the pressure is done and this kind of avalanche and they shoot me with c everything and the chair and them on top, "explained Cortez. The human alluvium did not stop the fingers of the reporter who continued to press the shutter button

"I start photographing the camera as soon as I fall and when I fall and stay under the mountain of players, I continue to take the camera of their faces, the euphoria, the emotion of the celebration, from below, "he recalled.

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