The MUD has not adapted to the changes that the historic moment demands


National Assembly deputy, Williams Dávila Barrios, referred to the withdrawal of Acción Democrática (AD) from the Democratic Unity Table (MUD), describing the measure as a big step towards lack of future political effectiveness presenting the coalition of opposition. In this regard, he said that with this white awning position "this fake face of Unity is over".

"In recent times, we have seen that there is stubbornness to the hegemony of power within the Mesa and one can not ignore that a party like Acción Democrática, the first political force of the Venezuelan opposition.Here you can not think of the unit without taking AD into account, "said the legislator.

Dávila pointed out that AD will go out on the streets to work so that the opposition can be heard and respected both nationally and internationally.

"We are open to listening to leaders of other parties, unions, organizations and civil society, in order to build a superior alliance that allows us to achieve the ultimate goal of going out of the dictatorship that Nicolás Maduro directs today, without legitimacy, "

Meanwhile, the deputy and member of the Standing Foreign Policy Committee of the National Assembly declared that at the international level , AD would continue to develop clear policies and approaches, so that the world knows that there is an organization with 75 years of history, which is the heritage and asset of world democracy, which continues to fight to avoid On the same subject, and after pointing out that the separation of the AD from the MUD is not an attack on the parties left there, the Andean legislator emphasized this unity , conceived as an instrument superior to As a champion of democracy, he has always been the banner of his political party.

For example, he laid the groundwork for the NDP, where all the forces of the left were allied. He also explained that at the time of the Adeno triennium, the country was summoned to save the civil power and a democratic republic was founded. "During the Pérez Jiménez government, all parties, including the Communists, have come together to save Venezuela," he added.

In the same vein, he remembers Leonardo Ruíz Pineda, the founding leader of Acción Democrática murdered during the dictatorship of Pérez Jiménez, and the coincidental actions necessary to advance in the common cause that was to overthrow tyranny. He also argued that AD was the great promoter of the Punto Fijo Pact as a vital mechanism of democracy that was being launched after the fall of Pérez Jiménez and called on the country to fight against leftist extremism and right wing who aim to compromise the nascent democracy

"AD is the great party of integration, evolutionary nationalism, participatory and social democracy, respect for human rights in all its density Therefore, we have the historic commitment, now more than ever, to lead the project of social redemption and this does not mean in any way that we are competing or fighting against someone else. any other than the corrupt, depraved and totally anti-neo-Venezuelan autocratic form at Miraflores, "he said.

With information taken from the press release

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