The NA approves an agreement to solve an electrical crisis in Zulia


Zulia .- Deputies of the National Assembly approved in a special session in the capital of Marabina, an agreement to solve the electrical crisis afflicting the region between what is envisioned the law of 39; electric emergency; after the analysis of the impending collapse of basic services there after seven months of prolonged rationing and countless service fluctuations.

In this meeting held at the University Rafael Urdaneta, representatives of various unions participated, who exposed the damage caused by the electrical crisis and the losses that there are in homes, hospitals , trade, industry, among others. That being so, a march will take place on July 26th from La Limpia Avenue to Corpoelec Amparo's headquarters, in order to demand compensation for the damages caused and the termination of unforeseen interruptions at any time of the day or of the night.

The agreement envisages, inter alia, to accelerate the uncentralized solution mechanisms, accompanying the users concerned, claiming compensation for losses, clarity with respect to the situation of the Electrical System, who does not pursue the argument of "sabotage" ", set a schedule of discounts and their estimated time of application, and the execution of a serious investment plan with some qualified technical advice to recover the electric park in Zulia

The President of the AN, Omar Barboza, reiterated that the crisis must bring everyone together in unity and the solution must begin with the change of government. "Zulia is going through a collapse in public services, the fundamental rights of the human being are being violated in the state. It was intended to give a centralist vision to the solution of the problems, this political model led us to a great failure, "said Barboza.

Nora Bracho, President of the Commission for Services and Administration , reiterated that in Zulia there is "a cruel situation, facing an indolent regime that does not respond to citizens. The people of Zulia suffer without light, without gas, without water, without telephony, without Internet, without payment points. There are still few companies, more than 400 ambulatory patients are paralyzed in Zulia, hospitals are now 90% closed for lack of power station.

The Termozulia and Ramón Laguna plants do not generate the megawatts needed by the population of the region. According to the legislator, a country can not develop without light and water. "If a Zulia family is damaged by its devices, it is impossible to replace them because of the exorbitant prices, because the budget is used to buy food," said Bracho.

At Termozulia its installed capacity is 1,300 megawatts and only produces 172 megawatts, the Ramón Laguna 660 megawatts and produces absolutely nothing, the Rafael Urdaneta 272 megawatts and is inoperative.

Bracho added that to build the entire country's electricity system has invested $ 40 million and, in almost 20 years of management of the Bolivarian government, $ 120 million has been lost because of the corruption, three times more than the budget.

Elías Mata, deputy of circuit six of the state of Zulia, said that "the electric crisis of Zulia is the product of corruption". "In Termozulia, they have invested nearly 2,000 million dollars to generate 1,400 MW, today they produce 200 MW," he said at the session. The initial investment of Termozulia is estimated at 800 million dollars in excess

Parliamentarians Sergio Vargas, Juan Pablo Guanipa, and Jose Luis Pirela, agreed that the oil region has the worst face of Venezuela and lives a "catastrophe" as a result of a failed government model.

The electrical problem wreaks havoc in the city

Pirela notes that Venezuela today lives the consequences of a vicious circle, a pernicious model, authoritarian and dictatorial. "We live in a period of obscurantism, darkness, and for the first time in Zulia's government we have a criminal."

Fergus Walshe, president of the Chamber of Commerce, warned that productivity, trade and services. They estimate that five out of ten stores in Maracaibo are closed today due to power outages. Carlos Petit, on behalf of the workers, said that the elderly were the hardest hit and abandoned by this regime. Hania Salazar, of the Nurses' Association, also warned that the electrical crisis and the lack of supplies in hospitals have caused the deaths of patients. Hospitals do not have power plants and, in clinics, the few plants that they use are only for intensive care and emergency.

Voluntad Popular: "Motta Domínguez must resign from his post"

"Zulia is a chaotizado state by the power outages", so has launched the deputy of the country. National Assembly, Desiree Barboza, his statement in front of the serious electrical situation that inhabits the entity.

Barboza next to the fraction of deputies of the National Assembly by the party of the popular will participated in the parliamentary session held in Zulia state to face to the electrical crisis that the region has been experiencing for more than eight months.

"Power outages generate total chaos.Transportation does not work due to lack of gasoline, the city suffers from water scarcity, the trade sector is deeply affected by the lack of energy and the chaos of the outlets, we live a disaster with the collapse of "Barboza"

During his statement, Barboza, also regional coordinator of the orange awning , asked the resignation of the Minister of People's Power of Electric Power, Luis Motta Domínguez.

" The electricity crisis in the country is the product of disinvestment and corruption from these gentlemen, and they announced investments for the construction of the Guajira wind farm, for the completion of Termozulia. Ramon Laguna thermoelectric plant and we do not know, what was the destination of these resources, because in the electrical system they have not invested, and the best example of them is the current deficit of more than 2,000 megawatts in the state. inept today of Zulia we tell Motta Domínguez that he must resign "said the legislator.

During the parliament session held in the auditorium of the city. Aula Magna of Rafael Urdaneta University, MP Sergio Vergara, also of Voluntad Popular Bank, pointed out that lawmakers are in the city accompanying the citizens, who in their opinion are the most affected by the crisis Elése. [19659004] "We live in chaos because of the failure of the regime. The problem with electricity that Zulia is experiencing also affects other states in Venezuela and everything is a consequence of mismanagement of resources to improve the national electricity system, "said Vergara.

In his speech, Vergara stated that there is not an integral energy plan for the change in the electrical system to materialize. "We do not apologize, nor do the representatives of the regime acknowledge their mistakes, what we want is that they leave Corpoelec and the power, because then only we" Vergara

At the Special session of the National Assembly held in the state of Zulia, the various guilds that make life in the region intervened, such as the Committee of people affected by breakdowns, businessmen, the transport sector, among others, which coincided with parliamentarians in urgent need to require compensation for electrical artefacts that were damaged by constant power outages, as well as a short-term solution , medium and long term to solve the electrical problem.

Voluntad Popular members urged the Zulians to participate in the street demonstration on Thursday, July 26 in the capital of Zulia, which will leave Alejandro Borges stadium.

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