The National Assembly receives another formula to replace the rectors of the CNE


New ways of replacing the rectors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) were received by the National Assembly (NA). Of the fraction of the Movement, Cambiemos poses "the Statute to name new authorities in three months, within the constitutional framework", said the deputy José Antonio España.

Spain explained that its objective was "to persuade and not to impose a proposal." The two parliamentary factions, the minority groups, all together, we will implement this proposal.The electoral statute provides for an impartial and balanced CNE and free elections in Venezuela. "

The parliamentarian said that the "Statute helps to reduce the shortcomings and that a political agreement is necessary to open the causes and overcome the deep crisis that Venezuelans are experiencing, opening the door to partial agreements. first step in the way of successive partial agreements that produce results, "he said.

The proposal is consistent with that proposed by Second Vice President of the AN, Stalin González, who said that since January, the appointment of a new CNE is underway and that one can reduce the time from 100 days to 57 by reducing delays. "It is not a question of reducing the deadlines of the citizens and the electoral process as such, but of the bureaucracy, for example by opening the electoral register with one month 's opening at the same time. inside and outside, it would take us at least six months to complete the process. "

According to González, replacing the rectors of the CNE is a fundamental element, but "we want to advance a reform of the law on electoral processes to ensure that the vote abroad is done without any kind of election. alcabala Our Constitution stipulates that all Venezuelans over the age of 18 registered in the electoral register have the right to vote.The PSUV then reformed the law and put the alcabala who must have a valid passport and reside in the country where it is located, the Constitution does not say it, we want to reform it and to count how many Venezuelans there really are outside the country and with the EU and the OAS to open the country. technical support necessary to open the registry in these places when we name the new electoral power (…) ", said González to this media last March.

In December 2016, Parliament was about to approve the election of rectors, but this goal was not achieved due to the absence of three deputies from Nuevo Tiempo who did not attend the session. To vote, there were 109 deputies, representing two thirds of the Parliament, and only 106 were present at the permanent session. The secretary of the National Assembly at the time, Roberto Marrero, said "that there were only 106 deputies, all MUD deputies and that the vote could not be done ", and that until today, December 15, was the time to complete the process.

The Supreme Court of Justice had appointed two days earlier, on December 13, Socorro Hernández and Tania D & # 39; Amelio, who were in their second seven-year term in the electoral power, as well as Tibisay Lucena and Sandra Oblitas. The last face of the presbytery of the body is Luis Emilio Rondón.

The deputy José Luis Pirela de Fracción 16 de Julio in Parliament said that this would be the second time that the process of forming a nominations committee would be reopened. "In 2016, it was completed, all milestones were met and when it was ready, it could not be completed due to some absences."

In fact, Juan Guaidó, self-proclaimed interim president, was responsible for the committee.

The procedure is as follows: "The plenary should appoint a committee of parliamentarians, who in turn call on civil society to appoint a number of members, then between parliamentarians and civil society to form the Committee of Ministers. is where the process and timetable for appointing rectors begins, "Pirela explained.

What José Antonio España is proposing is to shorten the time allowed for the appointment. However, according to Roberto Abdul, president of the NGO Sumate, it would be useful to ask whether or not it is worthwhile to do this process, while those elected would not be recognized by the PSUV because for the national government, the Assembly remains in contempt. and their actions are invalid. "Elections would be legitimate provided that the procedure is completed, but on the basis of political facts and the power play would be a symbolic act, although they may be recognized by the international community."

He added that the proposal is to shorten the timeframes of the selection process and appoint the rectors. "The process takes about 100 days, the NA wants to reduce it." The Special Commission chaired by Stalin González has conducted an analysis with the help of several technicians to reduce delays, and they have already undergone The question is whether it is worth it, given the persecution experience of the magistrates of the TSJ appointed by the AN, Abdul continued.

The international community is committed to the search for a peaceful solution to Venezuela and one of the fundamental issues is the realization of "free and transparent elections".

The issue of renewal of the positions of the CNE has put on the table negotiations of the Venezuelan opposition, but so far no agreement has been found during recent talks at Oslo, Norway. Already in late 2017 and early 2018, in the Dominican Republic's dialogues, it had been proposed to name the five rectors, two to be placed by the opposition, two by the government and a third to come out of the polls. A consensus among the parties, but this has not resulted in the approach And because of the winds that blow, the rectors can be renewed through a negotiated designation, since the ## 147 ## 39; AN continues to be subject to "contempt" judicial.

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