The national corn is only used to eat an arepa every four days


Carlos Paparoni, a member of the National Assembly (AN), denounced Friday that only 12% of the corn consumed annually in Venezuela was planted. The parliamentarian explained that 168,000 tons of the 1,350,000 that are needed in the country have been produced.

"We sow only 12% of the national demand for white maize, and we will only reach 168,000 tonnes of the 1,350,000 tonnes that Venezuela consumes each year," said Paparoni

. The MP noted that with normal consumption of corn in the country, Venezuelans eat two arepas a day. However, with current production, it would only be possible to consume an arepa every four days.

"The normal percentage calculated is that a Venezuelan man eats two arepas a day, but with this production, Venezuelans can only eat one arepa every four days – and that's not it. the fault of someone else other than the national government, "he said.

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