The national minimum wage is 4,500 Bs. S and will pay a bonus of 2,000 Bs.


The national minimum wage is 4,500 Bs. S and will pay a bonus of 2,000 Bs.

Mr. Fuenmayor

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, announced this Thursday, November 29, the increase of the price of Petro, passed from 3 600 sovereign bolivars to 9 000 sovereign Bolivars, which resulted in a salary increase 1,800 bolivars. sovereign at 4,500 sovereign Bolivars.

"According to the economic variables of these 100 days, I decided, as a correction factor, to place the Petro in 9,000 sovereign bolivars tomorrow, November 30," he said at a news conference. meeting with the government team. 100 days of economic stimulus, growth and prosperity.

He said that "the value of the national minimum wage and pensions will be 4,500 bolivars, from 1,800 to 4,500 bolivars of the average Petro".

During his speech, he summarized the 100 days that the program had completed, highlighting the decision to convert Petro "into a unit of account serving as a benchmark for the value of our currency in dollars or convertible international currency and the value of the currency in bolivars ".

He also announced that he would pay an aguinaldo differential with the new announced salary to be paid on December 15; In addition, he spoke of the payment of a single Christmas bonus of 2,000 sovereign Bolivars through the Patria Carnet system. He also added that he will pay a bonus via the Home of the Nation system called Niño Jesús.

He instructed the ministers to continue to monitor, by their various bodies, the respect of the prices agreed with the different sectors of the economy.

Regarding retirees, he pointed out that they would receive 4,500 sovereign bolivars of monthly pension and that they would also receive, as a gift, an exchangeable half-Petro.

In addition, he explained that, starting this December 1, the amounts of the protection system Homes of the Homeland will increase.

Regarding the payment of the salary, he indicated that he would maintain the payment of the payroll of the private and public enterprises and that the payment of the salary would be made every two weeks.

"You need to know the private payroll we have canceled and your payroll that says the economic stimulus, growth and prosperity program is keeping these wages going," he said.

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