The national price of crude oil closes the week at $ 67.88


Caracas.- The price of Venezuelan crude closed this week at $ 67.88, which represents an increase of $ 1.82 if we take into account the fact that during from the previous period the local oil was quoted at $ 66, $ 06

The price of Venezuelan crude closed this week at $ 67.88, which represents an increase of $ 1.82 if we hold Considering that during the previous period, local oil was quoted at $ 66.06.

Thus, following price developments, the average Venezuelan basket in this period of the year is $ 59.64 per barrel, which equates to an increase of $ 12.98 per barrel. compared to the average last year, when it was valued at 46.66 dollars a barrel

The favorable trend breaks down into a two-week cycle of market collapse, and all indicators benefit . This is how West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is valued at $ 70.43. Compared with $ 69.07 the previous week, we saw its price rebound to $ 1.36

It was followed by the OPEC basket which was depreciated by $ 72.38 and recorded an increase of 1, $ 34, as the week It was sold at $ 71.04, according to official figures.

As for Brent, indicator for Europe, he earned 65 cents and was quoted at $ 73.61.


Around the work of Petróleos de Venezuela was announced to boost domestic production, this Friday it was reported that the oil minister and president of the oil company Manuel Quevedo led the Team It has advanced the inspection of oil dispatching operations in the eastern part of the country.

An official note sent by Pdvsa indicated that as part of the recovery and strengthening plan for the operation of the industry, a tour of the docks was conducted. Guaraguao Maritime Terminal

In the development of the activity of new proposals have been analyzed, to achieve the increase in production, which has been supported will reach an additional one million barrels per day, according to which have been established. 19659002] As indicated, the exploration plans studied will allow the treatment of heavy and extra-heavy crudes at the refinery of The deep reaction of the industry, notes the report

Nothing favorable

Regarding the necessary increase in the extraction of crude oil in the domestic industry, it was broken down that, on the contrary, because of the fiscal defenestration highlighted by Petróleos de Venezuela.

Around this, the Outlook Ecoanalítica report predicts for the next six months of the year even greater difficulties than those recorded in the semester that culminated in June, according to them.

They see in this scenario, an average reduction of 1.3 million barrels per day at the end of the year, 883 000 barrels less than the pump recorded in 2017.

L & 39 study warns that the decline in the consumption of hydrocarbon derivatives in the country due to the economic recession we are experiencing offers a margin for the export of additional volumes of oil.

They say that this requires a greater operational effort and an investment of resources to increase production to the necessary levels.

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