The new Silk Road


  VictorAlvarez Víctor Álvarez R.- More than 2,000 years ago Chinese ancestors crossed deserts and mountain ranges to trace the ancient Silk Road that communicated Asia with Europe and Africa. These paths have started a stage of commercial and cultural exchanges between different countries which, through peaceful cooperation, shared learning, as well as the complementarity of capacities and resources for mutual benefit, have contributed to the prosperity and progress of their peoples.

The Continental and Maritime Silk Roads developed simultaneously. and Battuta from China, Italy and Morocco, They have long and historical journeys. Other lesser known travelers have accomplished the feat of crossing long deserts, huge savannahs and rugged mountain ranges with camel caravans, thus helping to develop trade links. commercial and cultural trade between East and West

. The silk is gradually extended. Thus, it has come to encompass the regions of the Nile Valley, the Tigris and the Euphrates, the Indus and the Ganges, the Yellow River and the Yangtze. Merchants crossed the roads in the fire of a growing and incessant flow of goods

Much more than trade

The Road No not only served the trade, it has also been a cause of important innovations such as creating money and has been an abundant source for the cultural exchange of information, knowledge and beliefs . Throughout these vast expansions, communicating vessels have been activated between Egyptian, Babylonian, Indian and Chinese civilizations, an issue that has widened the margin of coexistence between different beliefs such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.

Western silk and porcelain and pepper and imported spices. But he also knew Buddhism, Islam, Arab astronomy, the Arab calendar system and medicine. Buddhism originating in India has reached a huge presence in China and has spread throughout Southeast Asia. Confucianism was born in China and was very popular in Europe by leading thinkers like Voltaire.

This wide range of civilizations, religions and nationalities could put the points in common above their differences. With tolerance and respect, they contributed to the development of civilization, openness and integration. Regardless of distances, peoples walked and integrated through exchange, complementarity and cooperation. Over thousands of kilometers, factors of production and people who exchanged goods, knowledge, beliefs and shared profits circulated freely. Thus was born a region of great prosperity and splendor.

A Band, a Road

As if the first journeys of Chinese traders in Central Asia had begun more than 2,000 years ago. sell silk and china, the Silk Road has resurfaced again. Under the name of One Strip, One Route, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced this global project without restraint and that China proposes as an alternative to build a new world economic order based on the principles of complementarity and cooperation. 19659002] "We must create a platform for free cooperation and defend and develop a free economy in the world," President Xi Jinping proposed at the international forum of cooperation "A band, a road" that was held in Beijing. Heads of state from 28 countries and representatives of more than 130 countries and 70 international organizations. In addition, Xi Jinping raised the need to create a legal framework and a transparent and equitable institutional environment that promotes investment and facilitates economic development and social well-being among the countries that make up the Strip: "What we want to create, it's a big family in harmony What we hope to achieve is a new model of win-win cooperation. "

$ 124 billion investment

The President Xi Jinping announced that China has allocated $ 124 billion to create the new Silk Road. The goal is to build a colossal infrastructure network that facilitates transportation, trade, monetary integration and government cooperation for the well-being of their people. The vast majority of funds will be invested in the infrastructure network as a backbone to facilitate the transit of people, trade and diplomatic relations between more than 60 countries in Asia, Africa and from Europe.

Silk will affect more than 65% of the population and will generate one third of the world's GDP. The proposal has defenders and detractors. For critics, it is a plan of the Asian giant to expand its influence in the world and thus become a superpower. For its supporters, it presupposes the beginning of new relations of complementation and cooperation that will help overcome the malaise that has left a stage of globalization that has particularly favored the most powerful countries

. United loses influence in Asia and, as the new Silk Road moves forward, the countries that are part of this new alliance will strengthen their ties of cooperation and will be more and more independent of the influence. and the dominance of big business.

Latin America still has its physical and commercial integration waiting, but does not have the substantial resources to build the necessary infrastructure. Given the US's disdain for the region, governments and peoples of the continent could prioritize their common interests and promote an initiative similar to the new Silk Road. On the basis of the principles of complementarity and cooperation, and many negotiating capacities, it is possible to promote win-win agreements with China that will pave the way for a new stage of economic growth and integral human development. Latin America.


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