The newspaper El Periodiquito – The countries of the UN have agreed on the first Global Compact for Migration


On Friday, UN member states, with the exception of the United States, agreed on the Global Compact for Migration, the first attempt to manage the 39, the whole phenomenon of migration on a world scale.

It is legally binding and includes a broad list of commitments made by governments to open more regular migration channels, protect immigrants and cooperate for better border management.

After six rounds of negotiations, delegations approved consensus on the text, which will be formally adopted in December at an international summit in Marrakech (Morocco).

Standing and cheering, the representatives of the Member States welcome the document and pay tribute to the negotiating leaders, the ambassadors of Mexico, Juan José Gómez Camacho, and Switzerland, Jürg Lauber.

After a long process of consultations, countries started in February After the negotiation of the text, structured around 23 major objectives

The objectives include several very general objectives, such as working in the field of development and conflict prevention to reduce situations that force people to leave their home country or improve legal migration options.

But there are also much more concrete commitments, such as trying to avoid family separation (a controversial issue nowadays in the United States), using detention of migrants only as a last resort or offering access to basic services for all, regardless of their migratory status.

States also commit themselves to improve their cooperation to save the lives of migrants on their journeys, with search and rescue missions and to ensure that those who provide them with "exclusively humanitarian" support not be prosecuted legally.

In addition, governments pledge to guarantee a return or "safe and dignified" for expelled immigrants and to prevent the forced return of those who face a "real and foreseeable risk" of death, torture or other inhuman treatment.

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