The number of missing persons rises to 332 after the eruption of the Fuego volcano in Guatemala


Photo: AFP

(Caracas, July 4 – Noticias24) .- The number of missing persons because of the powerful eruption of the Fuego volcano which also killed 113 people in the Southern Guatemala, increased from 197 to 332 after a "snack" of information with several institutions, reported Wednesday the civil protection.

The figures have been updated "after examining 176,144 registrations from different entities and checking the listings David de León, spokesman for the National Coordinator for Natural Disaster Reduction (Conrad), told reporters

that the new figure of 332 missing persons tragedy was established with a "snack of information" received by 11 media including the website of the institution, the Guatemalan Red Cross , the Attorney General's Office, the municipality of Escu Intla and the National Institute of Statistics

The Fuego volcano, 3,763 meters high and located 35 km southwest of the capital, recorded on June 3 a powerful eruption followed by a hot volcanic landslide that buried the community of San Miguel Los Lotes in the southern city of Escuintla.

Due from l & # 3 9 eruption, 3,643 people from San Miguel Los Lotes and other neighboring villages are sheltered in shelters waiting to be transferred to temporary wooden houses and then to a permanent housing project on a farm State in Escuintla

De León noted that of the 332 missing persons, 205 are from San Miguel Los Lotes, 102 from the neighboring village of El Rodeo and the rest of the neighboring communities.

The avalanche of millions of tons of pyroclastic flows, a mixture of rocks, gas, and ashes, also razed a hotel and a golf course in the nearby town of San Juan Alotenango and buried the main road runs through the area.

The "official figure" of the deaths of tragedy continues in 113, of which 85 have been identified and three have died in hospitals abroad. The forensic authority is working on the identification of 25 others by checking 78 cases of remains found in the so-called "ground zero".

Although the official search ended and the devastated area was declared uninhabitable due to the risk of other landslides. , some neighbors continue to enter the place to dig in search of their loved ones.

With AFP information

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