The nurses of the dialysis unit gave up due to lack of payment


The news surprised patients, loved ones and the public. The nurses of the Jayor Dialysis Unit, one of the three largest in Caracas, located in San Martín, resigned from their positions last week, after several days of waiting. an IVSS response on the payment of their benefits.

"They do not want to pay extra for extra night hours, which also generate food bonuses, and have no transportation." When asked to take the fourth shift , they alleged that they had not even received salary increases by presidential decree, "said one of the dialysis patients in this private, government-subsidized center


Last Friday, after the resignation, a single untitled nurse, with little experience, assumed the responsibility of applying treatment to certain patients who were waiting to be assisted

. took the decision to put in order the connection kits, the vitamins and the drugs, and we started to prepare the machines to connect in. It is so that we could help the nurse, but we expose to x infections and risking our health because we are not experts, "said the patient.

Patients from the unit reported yesterday that the IVSS had not sent the necessary material. dialysis center. "Several times we have to look for the material by ourselves, and on which it is necessary to specify that it is not sold in any pharmacy since the same institute forbids its sale, which complicates its acquisition."

Five units were activated in Jayor's room unit which closed two, because the machines are damaged which caused patients to claim. The administration has resolved by placing them in other operating spaces to perform the treatment. The result was that the unit staff opened a fourth shift, which meant reducing the dialysis time from three to just two and a half hours to all patients in the morning, noon, afternoon, and evening hours. .

IVSS solves the problem of wage debts to resume normal care in this unit.

El Dato

Last March, out of 129 service centers in the country, 13 asked to close and seek quotas from patients in other places because they can not not maintain operational costs. Since September 2017, IVSS has not adjusted the rate paid for each dialysis patient, which has been complicated by the accelerated rate of hyperinflation that has reduced the economic capacity of the units that serve, by mutual agreement, the 15 000 patients of the country

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