The opposition accepted the MUD's appeal


In the opposition, they are not denied an urgent articulation amid the growing conflict in the country and we accept the call of the former governor Henrique Capriles to stand out. agree on common strategies through a plan of action. However, they warn that right now the direction of opponents Nicolás Maduro is not disputed.

"In need of unity, we all agree.In fact, we regret the decision of AD to leave the MUD.The country does not care about the name of the umbrella that joins us, but there is a clear and consistent road.We agree with the majority of the country on the need for an urgent change, "said the deputy Juan Andrés Mejía, national coordinator in charge of Voluntad Popular

It differed from Capriles' statements that opposition leaders do not read the country: "I think we understand it. The diagnosis is very easy to make, the country is in crisis and the opposition is living one of the worst times. Part of the problem is that the union to win elections is not possible because the government does not afford to lose; nor can we unite to protest; This, like international pressure, is important, but not enough. The challenge is to consider an alternative. "

Mejía said that it is not true that the opposition has not met recently and argued that these meetings were held in a formal and informal manner." Beyond the rescue of the leadership of the opposition, the country must be saved, "he said.

Stalin González, UNT MP, said that Venezuela was aware of the gravity of the moment.have the renewal of leadership and political leadership. "

Gonzalez said that he shares Capriles' appeal and said that the UNT discussed the course of the 39; opposition. "It was agreed to make every effort to rebuild the unity and bilateral meetings were held with the different parties and leaders," he said.

"Any proposal aimed at the supreme interests allowing the unit to be a monolithic structure as an introductory letter in the face of the national disaster that governs the country is positive, as long as it is imbued with the political will that can combine efforts, "said Edgar Zambrano (AD). He stressed that the MUD is not the panacea to the crisis and recalled that there are concertation initiatives such as the Frente Amplio.

He urged action without pettiness. "In AD Venezuela will always prevail, all that is not to repeat the already known stories of egocentrism and extreme extremism". Zambrano said the tradition of his party shows that he has always been "a great interlocutor."

MP Luis Barragán (Venezuela Sale) said that the appeal of Capriles was also made by María Corina Machado at the end of the year of the 16th. July, when he urged the articulation of the opposition. "There are two words that unite us: outside Maduro," said Machado.

Barragán said: "There were sectors that were dazzled by the 2015 parliamentary victory and after interpreting the citizen mandate a year ago." He claimed that the first point is to honor him. The popular consultation approved by more than 7 million Venezuelans.

"I am Venezuela made tireless calls to reach an agreement and confront the regime, after the National Assembly declared abandonment from Maduro's position. "

He added that no presidential candidacy is at stake" nor the general harbor master of the opposition. "

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