The premiere of the 5th "Indiana Jones" is postponed until 2021 | In the gossip


  Photo: Archive

Photo: Archive | AP

The Walt Disney Co announced Tuesday that the fifth installment of the franchise " Indiana Jones " will be postponed for another year in July 2021 instead of July. The film was originally planned for the summer of 2019.

According to reports, the delay is due to problems with the script. Last month, the co-author of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" Jonathan Kasdan was brought in to help write the film.

Steven Spielberg will direct the new "Indiana Jones" and Harrison Ford will repeat the lead role. Ford meets 79 years old in July 2021.

Spielberg also has several films on his list before "Indiana Jones", including a new version of "West Side Story" ("Love without barriers") [19659004] 2018-07-10

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