The President of the Caracas College of Nurses called for silence from the government after 24 days of unemployment


Caracas .- The president of the College of Nurses of Caracas, Ana Rosario Contreras, affirmed Wednesday that after 24 days of work stoppage, they had no contact with them. authorities of the national government.

We had a contact on July 6 with the only health authority of the Capital District and it was agreed that a hearing was scheduled and we are still waiting for them to call us, "said Contreras during an interview with Shirley Varnagy at the Onda circuit. .

He indicated that the demands of the sector are to restore the right to life of their patients, but also to benefit from decent wages.

He explained that sick women who attend their work get what they get, as well as lack of food in their homes.

In this regard, he indicated that the union will continue to fight until the government responds to his requests. "The government plays with fatigue, with wear, we are tired," he said.

However, he decided that if the national executive did not seek time to put them on the agenda, they would be forced to go to the Palace of Miraflores

"We will show that it is not a race for speed but resistance, the government must understand that we will not run out and that we are determined to defend the right to life of our patients, "said M Contreras

reiterated the demand for support and accompaniment to civil society and their patients to strengthen the demonstrations.

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