The President of the TSJ participated in the symposium for the 20th anniversary of the IPC


.N .- The President of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Magistrate Maikel Moreno participated in the symposium "The Lasting Value of the Rome Statute for Humanity ", as part of the commemorative activities organized in The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the approval of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

In the activity, held at the headquarters of the International Criminal Court, the highest Venezuelan judicial authority was accompanied by the Deputy Speaker of the Administrative Political Chamber of the Supreme Court and Inspector General of the Courts, the magistrate Marco Antonio Medina Salas and the Venezuelan Ambassador to the ICC and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Dr. Haifa Aissami

During his speech at the symposium, Judge Maikel Moreno thanked the invitation to participate in this commemorative 20-year anniversary of the Rome Statute, which envisages the creation of the International Criminal Court. "Special event that reminds us of the firm will of our countries to promote the correct application of the law and the protection of human rights" he stressed.

He emphasized that the ICC is the first instrument that unifies and centralizes international criminal law, which is complemented by national persecution of crimes committed and whose combination has a deterrent effect when one also plans to bring before supranational justice perpetrators of international crimes

. Venezuelan sees with joy that the International Criminal Court opens a space to debate forms more accessible to international justice, but advocates to maintain the complementary nature of jurisdiction, since the essence of this Court, is not to interfere with the judicial systems of states, but to help bring justice from the territory from where the facts have emerged and under their systems of laws, ensuring that the performance of this Court be rational and respectful of the sovereignty of our countries, "said the magistrate Maikel Moreno

The president of the Supreme Court also indicated that one of the most important challenges is to maintain a constant synergy with the ICC, "who works directly with state authorities in the search for an impartial, increasingly effective and timely international justice."

In his speech n in the Judge Maikel Moreno explained the work done by the judiciary, within the scope of its powers, to ensure the respect of the rights of the Venezuelan people, as well as to preserve the democratic institutional framework of the nation. "The defense and protection of human rights is the cross-cutting axis of our national legislation, as it is enshrined in our Constitution," he said.

He also stated that the ICC "must be guided by an independent, transparent and effective management that will add to the will to ensure that international justice is respected and practiced in a sustainable manner." Judge Maikel Moreno assured that the commitments of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with the values ​​and principles that inspired the Rome Statute remain in force and intact from the moment of the adoption of this important instrument. [19659003] various topics of interest were discussed, in which the high judicial authorities of the different countries and the participating high-level delegations exposed the lasting importance of the International Criminal Court and reflected on ways in which the international community can revitalize efforts to ensure accountability for serious crimes.

Panelists also analyzed results of the ICC judicial process and evaluated ways to improve it to increase its impact. They also discussed next generation approaches in the fight against impunity, including the universality of the Rome Statute and improving cooperation with and between states.

During the day, Judge Maikel Moreno also participated in a solemn act, led by the President of the International Criminal Court, Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji; The President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, HE O-Gon Kwon; the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, HE Mrs. Fatou Bensouda the principal speech delivered by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mr. Muhammadu Buhari

The President of the High The Court of Venezuela also held a series of bilateral meetings among them, with the Ambassador of Morocco to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mr. Abdelouahab Bellouki ; the President of the Special Court for Kosovo, Dr. Ekatarina Trendafilova and Dr. San Hyung Song, former President of the International Criminal Court, with whom he emphasized the importance of respect for international law, the sovereignty of nations and the role important role played by the judiciary in each country for the benefit of the people. ] [ad_2]
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