The prisoners of El Helicoide require the attention of the Office of the Prosecutor and the ANC


The 18 political prisoners who are detained at the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service of El Helicoide request the presence of the truth commission, the National Constituent Assembly and the appointed prosecutor of this agency, Tarek William Saab, to review cases of human rights violations and due process, as well as the omission of the release of 4 detainees.

Yesterday was the first day of the second riot that took place in this center. confinement. Until the closing of the edition, no authorities of the Procuratorate, the Office of the Ombudsman and the ANC were present in the submerged prison in unsanitary conditions, without water drinking, without electricity, according to the deputy Renzo Pietro, who has been imprisoned there since 2014.

Political prisoners have made their voices heard through videos broadcast on social networks, in which they claim respect for their rights fundamentals, as well as the visit of lawyers and their family members. They also called for the solidarity of the President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, and the international community.

"Gentlemen, there is no negotiation, we will not talk to the commissioners of Sebin, directly with the prosecutor's office, if a massacre takes place, we hold the authorities accountable, are those who have ignored all the situations and aberrations that occur here, "said Fred Mavares, police commissioner of Chacao, to whom the court granted him freedom two years ago and Sebin does not comply with the law. # 39; s order.

Prieto said that since the first demonstration on May 16, political prisoners have been held incommunicado. They are not allowed to visit relatives or lawyers. MP Adriana Pichardo, a member of the Committee of the Release of Political Prisoners of the Popular Will, said that among the 18 prisoners there was a minor and one with a house arrest that the Sebin ignored.

Siege and anguish. Sebin officials denied visits to the parents and lawyers of the detainees. "By superior orders", they prohibited the access of Mgr. Roberto Lückert, president of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela, who went to check the physical and sanitary condition of the prisoners for reasons policies.

A democratic country where judges said that these gentlemen (political prisoners) were free and continue to be imprisoned ?, this is not democracy, "said the first archbishop of the country. Archdiocese of Coro, Minister of Prison Services Iris Varela, described as "cynical and hard" because she assures that the country's prisoners are well fed and that their human rights are respected

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