The promise of Portuguese football could reach the Atletico of 25 million | Soccer


One of the promises of Portuguese football, the extreme Gelson Martins, may arrive the next season at the Athletic de Madrid by 25 million euros, now maintains the Portuguese sports newspaper "Record".

Martins, who was a militado in the Sporting de Portugal, terminated contract with the club a few weeks ago as a result of the club crisis, aggravated by the attack that players and technical staff have suffered in May in their sports city at the hands of radical fans.

Now, the paper notes, could reach Atletico, which is negotiating with Sporting a transfer of 50% of the player's rights with a cost to the mattress club of 15 million fixed and 10 others depending on the goals.

This is a very similar agreement reached between Betis and William Carvalho, Gelson's teammate and also terminated contract, the newspaper recalls.

Although he had barely a few minutes with the "machines" combined in the Usia World Cup, Gelson Martins, 23, is one of the Portuguese players with the biggest projection.

Last season, he was the undisputed holder of Sporting and offered his best version in European competitions, where, precisely, they were falling into the quarterfinals of the Europa League final against the US. Atlético de Madrid.

Martins was 19 times international with the first team of Portugal. // EFE

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