The prosecutor assures that the number of dissidents is greater than what is believed


The Attorney General of the Nation, Néstor Humberto Martínez, assured that according to the figures of his office, the number of FARC dissent is higher than that known to the public.

] Although he preferred not to give figures, the head of the survey agency said that it is important that the country know the truth of what is happening now with these criminals

" a much higher number of dissidences than what is publicly reported today (19459005)."

"The most important is that the country knows the dimension of this phenomenon, the characteristics that surround it and why took a legitimate place in the field of narcoculturists and the conflicts that are generated in the regions and with which intentions, "said the Attorney General of the Nation.

Néstor Humberto Martínez assured that "we have an investigation, very large and serious about this and in his moment, we will have to make a complete presentation "

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