"The PSUV Congress will serve to increase broken promises"


The leaders of the PSUV base do not have the hopes placed in the congress to be held from July 28 to July 30. Although the Bolivar Chavez Battle Units on Sunday chose the territorial delegates to represent them in the plenaries, the activists believe that the space will serve President Nicolás Maduro to once again offer the economic stability that they have not reached yet. [19659003] "For years, they have put aside the projects that have been presented.What will be the difference now? People do not trust and are tired, and in the absence of policies to solve our problems , activists are also exhausted, "said a spokesman for the Artigas Community Council

. responsibilities to the 10 people they chose. Among them, ask for help to fight malnutrition and school dropout, because the departments have sent back projects due to lack of resources.

Meanwhile, an activist who lives in an area of ​​El Cementerio, said that out of the 1,500 people who live there, only 20 attended the Sunday meeting that took place at the School Manuel Díaz Rodríguez. By 9 communal councils they chose 18 territorial delegates, who are unknown to the inhabitants.

"Nobody wants to participate because they do not believe in this so-called democracy The little ones are part of the same dome Diosdado Cabello reports that 384 people were chosen by the UBCH

., because "many are not qualified to drive or interested in working for the country. Only enjoy it. "

Héctor Navarro, former Minister of Education at the time of Hugo Chavez, said that the PSUV no longer aims to help Venezuelans, but to place above the interests of Some consider that Maduro has distorted the meaning of the party then president

Rectifier is one of the goals

Some of the objectives of the plenary are to debate and choose the leaders of the Party bases Diosdado Cabello assured that leaders can not forget the problems.He mentioned that the quality of public services can not go unnoticed or be abandoned after the congress.

Elías Jaua, Minister of Finance. Education, acknowledged that the spirit of internal choice and self-criticism has not been developed properly, and that is the challenge is presented for next week. "L & # 39; interpellation is not welcomed by those who believe that everything is fine, because we win elections, "he said.

Jaua pointed out that the intention to rectify and contrast the opinions is not fractional. Among the proposals that should be taken into account, according to the president of Corpozulia, Francisco Cardenas, is the elimination of exchange control because it has favored a tiny sector. Cabello claimed that they have the exact calculations to dismiss the deputies of the National Assembly, which is a majority of opposition.

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