The PSUV will give today the results of the delegates to its congress



Caracas .- The Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) will this weekend choose the 30 delegates who will participate on July 28 and 30 in the IV Congress of this organization. 19659003] According to what was said by the spokesmen of the government party, the Congress – to be held at the end of the month and for which its supporters will choose delegates in the different states this weekend – aims to "defend the rights of socialism and the fight of the economic war that we must face in every corner and in all instances ", through which they explain, will create strategies to deal with the presumed attacks of the opposition in presumed coordination with part of the international community 19659004] For the partisan electoral operation conducted at the national level, the PSUV benefited from the logistical support of the Bolívar-Chávez organization and combat units (UBCh). Agreement will be held on informative days and debates of the internal statutes.They recalled that of the total postulates, one sixth of them must be young and the same must be u

Regional coordinators of the activity agreed to highlight "the need for a meeting between the leaders and activists of the country's main organization".

For this they reiterated that the aspirants elaborated their proposals based on the six lines announced by President Nicolás Maduro, among which: "the dialogue and pacification of Venezuela, the signing of productive economic agreements and the defense of the nation against attack. "


From the state of Merida, PSUV National Director Freddy Bernal celebrated the initiative , while highlighting the enthusiastic and well-attended participation of activists in this entity.

He added that tomorrow "in a transparent way" and by means of "the secret and universal election, without pressure" will inform those of the 357 candidates who will be part of the 30 delegates also congress supporters.

In the state of Aragua, Governor Rodolfo Marcos Torres said that "the social bases" that support the party will choose this weekend "a loyal, a son of Chavez, a patriot, for continue to advance, build a homeland "

He clarified that those chosen should adhere to the country plan and other instructions of the Venezuelan head of state.

In the state of Nueva Esparta, young people who support this party in the region, yesterday organized a march to "demonstrate to the Revolution conscious and rested loyalty".

Juan Torres, Jpsuv leader, said that with the unpopular mobilization they showed "the rebellion" of "peace and love for our country (…) we will go to the IV Congress as what we are and should be, protagonists of the new story. "

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