The question is whether the Venezuelan will kneel


In a moment of despair for those who want a change of government in Venezuela, Henrique Capriles reappears.

After months away from the public out of the country for a family affair, the dual presidential candidate returns with the mission to help articulate an aimless opposition leadership after the May 20 presidential elections.

If then it was divided between those who wanted to vote to avoid the triumph of Nicolás Maduro and those who proposed the abstention, now the rivals of the government are at the same time, the economic crisis worsens and the Venezuelans who remained in the country are beginning to get used to a precarious reality.

This is for Capriles the big question: whether the Venezuelan has resigned. To avoid this, the 46-year-old politician, disqualified from the public service, is in full contact.

He states that "it is a matter of hours" that there is news to try to reconnect leadership with the people who want a change.

Capriles believes that the crisis can be the support that facilitates the unity of opposition. Photo: BBC World.

From the Caracas office where he gives BBC Mundo his first interview for more than five months, there is a poster by Maduro and Hugo Chávez with the electoral message "Together, everything is possible".

More elegant than usual because you have an official lunch. Despite being early, he has already consumed cola and coffee and is hyperactive in his chair.

Behind him, an image of the Virgin of the Valley from which hang several rosaries. In a moment, he apologizes even to his supporters for missing. But he says he's back

This interview has been reduced for reasons of length and clarity.

Nicolás Maduro faces his second term after the triumph of the 20 May presidential controversies. Photo: Miguel Gutiérrez.

He was away for many months at a significant time, with presidential elections in which the opposition split between going to vote and abstaining. There are people waiting for his leadership and telling him what to do.

This policy of caudillo, messiah, according to which the life of a country depends on a person must be changed (& mldr;) The country can not depend on a person. And it must be the same in the opposition (& mldr;)

What happened? I touched what touched a lot of people: a cancer of my father unexpectedly. And I had no more responsibility as a public servant.

That's the reason for my absence. I made the decision to be with my dad, I have no excuse for not being next to my dad. I would not be able to forgive myself if I had trouble getting out of the operating room

People who are my followers ask for an apology. If I have to excuse myself, I apologize, but it was a family and personal situation and I assumed it. And if I'm not physically here, it's not my style to run away

Was I a supporter of voting or abstaining?

May 20 is the perfect example of how it affects unity. All of us who want change must work together. It does not recover if there is a fragmentation of people who want to change. Before leaving, I argued that the opposition should choose a captain, who could be the candidate, a captain elected to the primaries and that the captain would fight for a free and transparent election.

But it was to support the candidate Henri Falcon or the abstention?

That's the problem. Did not have that one position. The abstention has no political owner, it was not a policy of opposition, it was a bell of a jaded country that feels an absolute disconnect between politics and its requirements. If we can not read the magnitude of the political crisis, we will not be able to restore the connection.

It seems difficult for the opposition to reconnect with the people. This shows a lot of despair.

It depends on your ability to articulate, to end the internal struggles, to understand that it is not a problem of who is a candidate. As long as there is a concrete and real plan and articulation, there is the possibility of recovering the earth.

But the opposition has existed for years and

We did everything: we went to the streets, proposed constitutional ways & mldr; This is part of the difficulty of the monster we are fighting against. That's the historical challenge we have (& mldr;) Do I believe it's a non-democratic path? I still believe it is by democratic means. We must overwhelm the country with democracy, but I fear that I think this anti-democratic thinking came within the forces of the opposition (1965-19005). We are facing an official dictatorship, but we will not change official dictatorships either. opponent C is an alarm to which we must pay attention, because we want to go to something better, do not substitute one political color for another.

Capriles fears that some areas of the opposition are moving away from political paths. Photo: BBC Mundo

Where is the opposition and who is the opposition?

There are millions of Venezuelans. There is a void of political forces. There are no articulate political forces that allow Venezuelans to feel that they are doing their job. The opposition is anyone who wants a change for something better.

Part of the opposition politicians are abroad. It seems that this policy of opposition is increasingly made from the outside.

My message to those on the outside is that they do not become destructive of those who are in it (& mldr;) Instead of spending time and energy it seems that they want to destroy some opposition forces

What are the effects of sanctions and international pressure?

The international question will be important for the negotiation process. The entire international community is asking for a negotiation in Venezuela and that is why? So when a negotiation process takes place, that sooner or later it will have to take place, under other conditions and that it is not a scam, it will help.

The government regrets that it has no more international community for. Its maneuvering space is smaller. Without access to resources, their ability to support is reduced.

Leopoldo López, another of the main leaders of the opposition, is disqualified and is serving a house arrest. Photo: AFP.

What will Henrique Capriles do now to help him?

I can bring something, because I also have experience, I realized it. Very few of us have been able to lead the opposition. My problem is not to lead the opposition, but to lead the process of change.

But it now seems impossible to find a united opposition

The gravity of the economic and social crisis and the gravity of the crisis in politics makes it a life-and-death situation. The boat sinks. Either we throw away the lifejacket, or we drown ourselves, even as politicians. Change or disappear

Is not it time for a change of faces in the opposition?

Go There! But that's not the problem. We would have already solved it. In the circumstances we are in today, a new face does not solve the political crisis. It's a combination of a new face, an old face. If you have to go with a tissue on your nose to talk to such or such, with mengano, you have to do it.

Waiting lines are common in Venezuela to buy products. Photo: AFP.

Maduro has just won the election. Is it a long-term fight?

The big question is whether we, the Venezuelans, are going to sink (we will endure) this catastrophe of hyperinflation and economic and social destruction. How long will we continue like this? Until the people want it

Is the crisis the main aid of the opposition?

The crisis is the great support, the great opportunity to articulate and finish making the country a change. It is the drama, that at the worst economic and social moment and with a government that is not popular, the opposition is disjointed. There is no excuse that is worth, there is no explanation

If there was one more change, it seems possible by an implosion that something comes from the outside.

This may be one of the great reasons for the government to submit to a serious negotiation. Because it's unsustainable. He sees the implosion coming on his face and he does not want it.

Capriles hopes that "in a few hours", the opposition will make announcements and adopt common positions. Photo: BBC Mundo

Why would he want to negotiate the government when he feels politically comfortable now?

Because it can end up losing everything. By wanting to have everything, you can lose everything. How does it end? More than one must think about it. The film is coming to an end.

Many wonder when this end will come

And where it's going. In the government's account, the country has resigned itself to living like this. This is the big question for Venezuelan. Have you ever resigned yourself to living like this? Or do not you want to live like this? If you do not want it, there is opposition. But politics must articulate this, that these demands end up being realized in that the government must change and must negotiate.

The last point of the negotiation is that the country has a democratic process. It's the end of the movie.

The possible resignation worries Henrique Capriles. Photo: AFP.

Many opposition people seem resigned and, in response, thousands have left the country because they can no longer live here. And from the outside, they send out dollars that help alleviate the crisis. Does this play against the political opposition?

But this has a finished point, because not all Venezuelans can leave or want to leave. Many people are already gone and it's a stuck knife in the heart of this country.

The big question for those of us who remain is to know where we can stand. Do we resign ourselves? Is there a process of resignation, acceptance of these conditions of survival? Because every day you adapt to less, is the Cubanization of Venezuela.

This resignation is not imposed is his big goal?

Only time can answer if the Venezuelan has resigned (& mldr;) The big question is whether the Venezuelan will be on his knees, resigned. As long as there is a fragmented opposition, each in itself, then you are moving away from the goal.

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