The reason green spaces are good for your health


A team of researchers from the University of East Anglia came to the conclusion that living near nature and spending time outdoors meant very significant improvements in health. Exposure to green spaces reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, premature death, preterm birth, stress or high blood pressure.

The study was conducted collecting global information on more than 290 million people. all results indicate that the population with higher exposure levels to green spaces is more likely to enjoy good overall health. The information gathered came from 20 countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, France, Australia and Japan, where the practice of "forest bathing" is already prevalent in its population

. Caoimhe Twohig-Bennett of Norwich Medical School says he has "collected evidence from about 140 studies to see if nature really causes health improvements." Until now, the impact on long-term well-being has not been fully understood.

The Benefits of Forest in our Health

Green spaces were defined as "open and undeveloped areas with natural vegetation", as well as urban green spaces with parks and green spaces in city streets. The team compared the health of people with little access to green spaces and those with greater exposure. "Spending time or living near natural green spaces is associated with significant improvements in health," says Twohig-Bennett

In the UK, 11.7 million days of work are lost each year in because of stress, depression or anxiety. One of the most significant discoveries is that exposure to green spaces reduces levels of salivary cortisol, a physiological marker of stress. Twohig-Bennett hopes that "the research will inspire people to go out more often and promote the creation, regeneration and maintenance of green spaces in residential areas and disadvantaged communities."

Spending time in green spaces reduces the risk of suffering from heart problems, depression, anxiety or stress

Researchers associate this relationship between better health and time in green spaces with the greatest number of people. options for physical activities and socialization. It could also be related to exposure to bacteria and phytoncides, organic compounds with antibacterial properties released by trees.

"Forest baths are a common therapy in Japan, either relaxing in the forest or walking around. Our study proves that, perhaps, they succeeded with it ", concludes Twohig-Bennett

Source: very interesting / MF

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