The Regional Directorate of Health of Amazonas has confirmed only seven cases of measles in the Yanomami ethnic group


Authorities hope to ascertain whether there are virus deaths in the indigenous community, as reported by various organizations

Caracas .- The Regional Director of Health of the State of Amazonas, Jesús Bernabé Yuriyuri, confirmed only seven cases of measles in the yanomami communities of Oroshi and Irotha of the Municipality of Alto Orinoco of the entity since last April, after analyzing the samples taken from the indigenous populations.

Read also: The measles epidemic threatens to extinguish the indigenous Yanomami population

The Authority said the next few hours, waiting for air support to move to the areas in order to verify the complaint of various organizations, such as the NGO Wataniba, who reported deaths from the virus and determine if cases are imported from Brazil.

Kape said that he has information about the spread of the virus in the Irotatheri community, which is located on the border with Brazil. The NGO also received data on "a significant group of deaths" due to this disease.

The measles epidemic began to spread in Brazil last February after the displacement of Venezuelans, including indigenous Warao ethnic group. from Delta Amacuro, towards Boa Vista in the state of Roraima. Some experts suggest that a boomerang epidemiological effect occurred when the disease arrived in Amazonas, claiming that the first case of measles had been in contact with a sick person arriving from Brazil, where illegal miners usually come in Venezuela to exploit the gold [19659007] The Brazilian health authorities point out that in Roraima 412 suspected cases of measles were evaluated, of which at least 200 were confirmed to be suffering from the disease. It was established that up to May, 57 came from Venezuela and 34 belonged to an indigenous ethnic group.

Horonami NGOs asked the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples and the Ombudsman to strengthen medical assistance assistance in communities and strengthen immunization plans. The organization Wataniba denounced that vaccination plans were not carried out in the Amazonas and pointed out that, despite the prevention strategy focused on the protection of children, adults over 25 years have also been affected by the virus. [19659011] (function (d, s, id) {
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