The second phase of the national vaccination campaign against measles and diphtheria begins this Sunday


In view of the high number of cases of measles and deaths in other states of the country, the Health Society, following the directives of the Ministry of Health, begins this Sunday, July 29 in the entire hospital network of the country. State, the second phase of the National Immunization Campaign, mainly geared towards the prevention of measles

Noel Calderón, regional epidemiologist, has invited the community to be vaccinated against this disease that has even cost the lives of patients , mainly to the population under 5 years old. who called parents and representatives of children aged 6 months to 15 years to approach all district hospitals in the state, where a vaccination post will be active.

the city of San Cristóbal, the outpatient centers of the Center, Concordia, Palo Gordo and Barrio Sucre, as well as the pavilions Colombia and Venezuela, will have the biological product necessary for this special day

A case of Measles from the Capital Region

The doctor explained that an 11-month-old infant is the only confirmed case of measles in the state, from the capital region; arrived at the border area with the symptoms of the disease.

He added that the necessary samples were taken from potentially suspicious cases of the disease, which were sent to the National Institute of Hygiene, only authorized and authorized entity to sample processing and The Diagnosis of Measles Cases

Up to now, a possible case attended the Palo Gordo Outpatient Clinic was clinically excluded as a case of measles and confirmed as chicken pox or lechina. He pointed out that in all tests of suspicion are carried out, the epidemiological barrier is activated and vaccines are applied to people who were at risk of acquiring the disease.

Finally, the health authority, stressed that vaccination is the only way to prevent the disease and insist on the invitation to the community to visit the centers indicated as early as this Sunday and recall that the Children must have vaccination card for respectful control.

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