The slowest and fastest internet connections in the world: where is Argentina?


Broadband speed measurements were monitored for 12 months. The world average is rising rapidly

Cable a company that provides connectivity to Internet of United Kingdom did a survey on the speed of connections of 200 countries and compiled a list.
The first place took it Singapore ; the second, Sweden ; and the third, Denmark . Meanwhile, the Argentina is ranked 116.

Tracking of broadband speed measurements was performed for 12 months. The good news, as reported by the company, is that the global average speed is rising rapidly.
The global average broadband rate measured between May 11, 2016 and May 10, 2017 was 7.40 Mbps, while the average between May 30, 2017 and May 29, 2017. 2018 was 9.10 Mbps . It was an increase of 23%.
"The countries that contribute the most to the average increase are those of the developed countries that host not only the infrastructure already established more rapidly, but also the most important implementation and capture of the latest technology, "revealed Cable

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