The son of Abu Bakr al-Baghdad, head of Islamic states, dies in Syria


A son of the head of the Islamic State (IS), Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, died in Homs in central Syria, an agency close to the jihadists reported

"The son of the caliph Hudaifa Al Badri was killed in an operation against Nusayriyyah (a word usually used by the group to designate forces of the Syrian regime loyal to Alawite President Bashar al-Assad) and the Russians at the thermal power station in Homs, "said L & # 39; Nashir News Agency

The agency, which posted a photo of the boy where he is seen carrying a gun and wearing military clothes, did not give details about the date of his death.

Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim al-Badri, the real name of the jihadist leader, was born in 1971 in Samarra, Iraq. Coming from a religious family, Ibrahim himself was a specialist in Islamic studies at Baghdad University and a religious mosque in his city. natal when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003.

In February 2004, he was arrested and detained at Camp Bucca, a US-controlled detention center. During the four years of detention, he devoted himself to religious instruction, while playing football. A Camp Bucca is known as the Jihadist University, it is believed that up to nine leaders of the Islamic State were imprisoned there.

In December 2008, he joined the Islamic State led by Abu Musab al Zarkawi and after his death. a US bombing in 2010, became the head of the organization.

then adopted the name of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, for the symbolism that this has for the Muslim community: Abu Bakr, was the first caliph After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Al-Baghdadi means "of Baghdad "in reference to the Baghdad caliphate that the Islamic State seeks to recover and understand from Libya to what is today Iran, including Jerusalem.

Al Bagdadi proclaimed in 2014 a caliphate – meanwhile shrinking – that covers parts of Iraq and Syria.

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According to information from DPA

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