The strain of measles that has arrived in the country is identical to that circulating in America


The strain of measles that has arrived in the country is identical to that circulating in America

The two cases of measles detected in infants in Argentina come from a type of this disease "identical to the circulation in other countries in the region Amricas ", according to the Ministry of Health of the Nation

They noted that in studies done at the Malbrn Institute on episodes detected in a five-month-old baby and a six-year-old baby will have "a common origin," according to preliminary data.

Officially, it was explained According to Malbrn data, "the genotype found in one of the cases is the M8 / Hulu Langat.MYS / 26.11 line, identical to that circulating in other countries of the world. region of the Americas. "

"In reference to from 2018, 54 are strains that have 100% identity with the strain identified in the city of Buenos Aires and all have 100% identity with the reference strain Mvi / Hulu Langat.MYS / 26.11 D8 .D ", added the health authorities through a statement.

A recent report by the Pan American Health Organization, established that it is a strain identified in 2017 in Venezuela, which is experiencing a serious epidemic of the disease.

While epidemiological studies are completed to stop When the virus was contracted, the Ministry of Health of the Nation issued an alert in which it urges to check the vaccination status of the population and of 39 intensify epidemiological surveillance of suspected cases to prevent reintroduction of the disease.

On the other hand, Angela Gentile, president of the National Commission for the Elimination of Sarampin, Rubella and Rubeola Congnita in Argentina, assured that "the two cases are related to each other," 39, that is, they probably have a common source. " But according to the specialist, the source of infection "is different from the case of the child that was detected last March." Being a different strain from that detected in March, we know that the circulation does not occur. is not endemic. "

In Argentina, the measles vaccine is mandatory and the national immunization schedule includes the first dose per year of life (and As, from 12 months to 4 years old must accredit a dose of triple viral vaccine (measles-rubella-mumps) and more than 5 years old must prove two doses of double or triple viral vaccine after the first year People born before 1965 do not need to be vaccinated because they are considered protected because they have been in contact with the virus.

"It is important that people know that they leave a primary failure of 10% unanswered, that is, to say that if we vaccinate 100 children there will be 10 who need to strengthen dose to not be sensitive cases, "described Gentile.

"Adults should also have their two doses of double or triple viral vaccine," he added. In the case of endemic measles in Argentina, n 2000.

"Since then, there have been a total of 32 imported and import-related cases, the last of which has occurred in the city. of Buenos Aires in epidemiological week 13 (April) of the current year, two of which were imported and one related to imports, "they added.

Posted on 25/07/2018 | 10:14

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