The streets of Bogota full to receive the national team


The Colombian team arrived yesterday in Bogota after participating in the World Cup in Russia and was acclaimed by tens of thousands of people dressed in the yellow shirt that visited El Campin stadium, where a crowd gathered to receive it. joyful.

In a festive atmosphere, despite being a day of work, Colombians of all ages and from different regions tinged the yellow El Dorado Avenue, which leads to the airport, and with flags and bugles. Pekerman

On pedestrian bridges, the Bogota City Hall hung banners. One said "50 million thanks" in reference to the people of the country who lived a party that continued in the El Campin stadium, from the beginning to the end of the flag.

The first to get off the plane was Captain Radamel Falcao García, followed by midfielder Juan Fernando Quintero and the rest of the players, with the exception of James Rodríguez and Miguel Borja, who traveled in Spain and Brazil.

Pekerman said that in Russia his team was brave despite many obstacles and injuries. He also said that in the last match against England, Colombia was "very damaged" by referee Mark Geiger of the United States. "We were very close, we had a lot of desire, a lot of possibilities," said the Argentine strategist. He described as unfair what happened in this shock: "Maybe we did not lose because of what the referee did or not, but we were a little affected by the way we were treated. They played against us, but that's not an excuse.

The bus of the Colombian Federation slowly began its triumphal tour escorted by police motorcyclists. The crowd on the avenue recalled the one that received Pope Francisco in September

The tour was a preview of the party in El Campín, with a concert by singer Sebastián Yatra and other artists [19659009]! e, t, n) {var, s = e.getElementsByTagName (t) [0]; e.getElementById (n) || (o = e.createElement (t), = n, o.src = "",s.parentNode. insertBefore (o, s))} (document, "script", "facebook-jssdk") [ad_2]
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