The struggle of a family who used a Van Gogh painting to help their son – 07/19/2018


A year ago, a couple from Florida (USA) asked the Mayor's Office of Mount Dora, a town located in Lake County, to recreate one of Vincent Van Gogh's works in front of his house. help guide your autistic child The authorities agreed but then backed off and fined the initiative. The case unleashed a legal battle that eventually turned in favor of the parents.

"Starry Night", by Vincent Van Gogh. (AP)

Nancy Nemhauser and Lubomir Jastrzebsk asked the Mayor to make a mural of "Starry Night" . They argued that, since their 25-year-old autistic son was a fan of this drawing, would help to guide him in the event of a loss . In response, in the first case, they received that "there were no restrictions."

  The reason for this drawing was to help your autistic child. (Photo: EFE / Pacific Legal)

The reason for the drawing was to help your autistic child. (Photo: EFE / Pacific Legal)

However, authorities later considered that it was a "graffiti" because it did not correspond to the color of the rest of the house.

Detuned, the couple then decided to paint the whole house with the same artistic model, but the mayor replied by daily fines of $ 100 until they withdraw the painting by considering it "an illegal signal."

 ] The family came to pay up to $ 100 a day in fines. (AP)

The family came to pay up to $ 100 a day in fines. (AP)

In April of this year, a judge ruled that Mount Dora could continue to fine the family, so Nemhauser and her husband hired a group of lawyers, who said that an "abusive" position and "a selective and arbitrary restriction" that violated the first amendment of the Constitution, which protects artistic expression.

"There is art in other houses, other buildings in the city, in the residential area, so why are we punishing them for what we did when we did what they told us to do to maintain the wall that loves our son? "the woman complained in dialogue with WFTV.

  The parents of the young autist finally reached an agreement with the mayor. (AP)

Parents of autistic youth have finally reached an agreement with the mayor. (AP)

Finally, the Mayor and the couple reach an agreement which includes the permanence of the painting and its armor against any new ordinances, as well as a public apology Mayor Nick Girone

The case, which got national recognition, caused a tourist wave to Mount Dora located about 65 kilometers north of Orlando. Van Gogh's true painting, completed in 1889 and kept at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, is considered one of the most famous works of art in history.

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