the successor of Android who would stealthily cook on Google


Google is looking for a single operating system capable of managing all business devices such as Pixel Phones and Smart Speakers.

For over two years, a small group of Google engineers has been working on software. who, they hope, will eventually replace Android, the dominant mobile operating system in the world. As the team grows, it will have to overcome a fierce internal debate over how the software will work.

The project, known as Fuchsia, was created from scratch to overcome the limitations of Android. household appliances. It is designed to be better suited for voice interactions and frequent security updates, and to look the same on a wide range of devices, from laptops to tiny sensors connected to the Internet.

Artificial Intelligence

The Google management, Sundar Pichai, has steered his company in this direction: towards artificial intelligence services that reach consumers around the world . However, its main operating systems, which depend on dozens of hardware partners, have not followed.

Here is what we already know about Fuchsia: Google, from Alphabet Inc., began publishing without too much Online Noise Code in 2016, and the company has allowed developers to make the most of it. external applications to manipulate parts of the open source code. Google has also begun experimenting with applications for the system, such as interactive screens and voice commands for YouTube.

But members of the Fuchsia team have discussed a broader plan that we have reported here: the creation of a single operating system capable of handling all internal peripherals from the company, such as Pixel phones and smart speakers, as well as third-party devices that now depend on Android and another system called Chrome OS, according to people familiar with conversations.

With one of them, the engineers said they wanted to insert the Fuchsia in connected home appliances, such as voice-activated speakers, in three years, then switch to more machines big as laptops.

for your system to replace Android, the software that powers more than three quarters of the smartphone. He said the sources, who asked that his identity not be revealed, discuss internal issues. The goal is that this will happen in the next five years, said one of them.

But Pichai and Hiroshi Lockheimer, their second in command, under Android and Chrome, have not yet signed a roadmap for Fuchsia. the sources. Executives must act with caution on any Android revision project as the software supports dozens of hardware partners, thousands of developers, and billions of dollars in mobile advertising. Android is also subject to regulatory review and legal litigation for the company, which means that changes in the software will be closely monitored.

European regulators on Wednesday enforced a record antitrust fine of US $ 5 billion to the company. mobile software to extend its services. At Google, Fuchsia already faces internal conflicts over how it should be designed and implemented, including privacy protection.

In front of the public, Fuchsia illustrates his free approach to creative products. "Google views these open source experiences as an investment in innovation," said a company spokesman in an e-mail

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