The taboo is the big obstacle to the early diagnosis of prostate cancer


Mexico.- There are many taboos concerning the procedures that are performed for the detection of prostate cancer, therefore, a timely diagnosis is not made, this disease being the second leading cause of death in men in the world.

Dr. Samuel Rivera explained that "one of the most common problems with this disease is that men do not want to have a digital rectal examination due to grief or because they see that someone is having a digital rectal examination. one enters their private life.

The former president of the Mexican Society of Oncology commented that in Mexico "seven out of 10 are detected late" and added that in developed countries, one in 10 cancer is diagnosed in one in ten patients.

of the World Health Organization (WHO), prostate cancer is the most common among men, with 12.7 million cases and 7.6 million deaths a year.

Each year in Latin America, 413,000 new cases and 7.6 million deaths a year, according to EFE

One of the important risk factors that may indicate the possible development of this disease is the l […] age, as it is frequently detected in men aged 45 years Regarding this Rivera stressed that, "prevention is very important, pay attention that it is a condition that if detected in the early stages, it is possible to heal. "

Rivera commented that there is a need for something multidisciplinary where different specialties are involved to accompany patients in all phases of the disease and to follow up after healing.

The specialist said that the way to improve diagnosis is through information and prevention, which is essential to stop the myths.

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