The teaching of wine and poetry


Wine and poetry, much has been written. From Pliny's oldest maxim, "In vino veritas" ("In wine is the truth"), up to Stevenson's phrase, "Wine is bottled poetry."

But if Adriana Gibbs is about, you have to remember Jorge Luis Borges: "Wine, show me the art of seeing my own story" because nothing else n 's found as a poet and journalist this Caracas that gave a new dimension to the Venezuelan wine and gastronomy column.

This Thursday Gibbs presents his third book of poems, Doble Viaje, an edition of Oscar Todtmann Editores that somehow closes the trilogy indicated by his previous books, It Seems Autumn, published by The Liebre Libre in 1993 , with which he won La Biennale de la Poetie de Fondene, and never to say goodbye, that Comala unearthed in 2002.

"Poetry and journalism are like two roads that I travel in times different, "he says. "In journalism, I'm faster, more risky, but poetry requires slowness, contemplation."

Like wine, "pleasure, sensitivity and a certain slowness, both in its elaboration and in its enjoyment, it will give you all that a wine can offer."

Adriana Gibbs, graduate of UCAB, started this way from the pages of the magazine Estampas de El Universal, and, after a master's degree in social psychology at UCV, he specialized in the Diploma in Culture and Metropolitan University Spirits, where he teaches tasting classes for eight years and, most recently, wine and literature meetings in the Education for the Creation of Citizenship course, at the Institute of 39, Higher Education Ávila.

– What do you recommend to anyone who wants to learn to appreciate wine?

"Trust your senses, your taste memory, and do not be impressed In addition, the discipline to learn and go ahead in the appreciation ", says Gibbs, who organizes, with his partner, Mikel Aramburu, director of Importer Iregua and also teaching in Unimet, the cycle" Wine Travel ", in which they regularly tour Venezuela and the Caribbean. 39; Spain.

On the other hand, maintains a web page in the includes a section that deals with wine and literature, "Cantina", performed by the "literary Barman" Ángel Gustavo Infante. "

"I developed the links between poetry and wine, and I like it a lot," he says.

is the book of separation, or, as she prefers to call it, the "link transformation", which helped her to understand, from her own experience, the breakup between her parents during her adolescence.

-It was built with the separation in the background. And the writing helped me a lot, because while I was doing it, I grew up, finally accepting my father's decision. "

The book has been silenced for 24 years, perhaps from the moment of Apparition of" It looks like autumn ", walking in the heat of other experiences, like a voice that, according to the late Harry Almela, "has learned to tell his story with modesty, fear, and respect to the function of naming." [19659002] These are poems in which everyday experience, or the seemingly detailed unimportant, are resanctified in the light of an honest, shadowless language that invites us to enter and share their world.

This is the twentieth title of OT Editores, which will be presented, with Salmos de la penuria, by Samuel González Seijas, this Thursday, July 12, at 17:00, in Poeteca, located on Orinoco Avenue, Tower One, two spaces, Las Mercedes.

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