The Telegraph – Gas Generates Electricity for the Sacha Field


The Campo Sacha located in the Orellana Province, has a third gas station associated with Petroleum . generates electrical energy through the gas expelled by the valves of the oil wells.

It meant an investment of 11 million dollars and was inaugurated by Carlos Pérez, Minister of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources and Álex Galárraga , director of the Petroamazonas public enterprise .

The substitution of energy represents a saving for the state, diesel fuel imports rising from 431 million to 120 dollars. million

With the three factories, one in the Campo Cuyabeno and two in Sacha Norte and Sacha Central Petroamazonas contributes about 15 megawatts of power to the electrical system Intercone Oil ( Seipe )

The fourth generation plant is expected to enter service in the coming months

"If previously 30 million cubic feet had been burned in the environment , use it, today we use this to generate, until the end of this year 90 megawatts of energy to clean fuel ", said Perez.

The Minister also reported that on July 15, it is planned to begin drilling and the complementation of Campo Sacha whose service contract was awarded to Chinese society CCDC .

He added that in the following weeks the gas generators will be mobilized Bloc 43-ITT . ( I )

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