The tragic and moving life of Ana María Polo


By El Comercio / Peru / GDA
07/10/2018 | 8:16

Ana Maria
Polo González was born in Havana, Cuba, April 11, 1959. At the age of 12 years
He emigrated with his family to Puerto Rico, because his father, a success
businessman, he started having problems with the measures that he was implementing
the government of the revolution of Fidel Castro.

Small, Telemundo's success dreamed of being an actress or a singer. When
He was 16 years old and was part of a choir that he sang for Pope Paul VI in Rome.
However, although others recognize their artistic talent, their parents
always discourage her.

Although she
the life and that of his family in Puerto Rico was good in the beginning, a few years
they started to suffer aggression because of their origin. Discrimination is
increased with the passage of days, to the point that they had to go to the
school with his parents.

it was only the day a partner of his father was found dead with a sign that
said "Get out of here the dirty Cubans", the family of this Ana Maria
Polo decided to look for a better future in Miami, United States.

Terrible Loss

Miami, Polo is married at age 19 with a man ten years older than her. Of
this union became pregnant, but lost the child in the fourth month, becoming
It's one of the most painful experiences of your life.

Ana María decided to give a radical turn to her life. He separated from his partner
and went live alone. He got a job at a law firm, where he
it was so good that his bosses and his colleagues recommended him to pursue law studies.

ana maría polo: a hard and dramatic life

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Ana María Polo, 59, has enjoyed outstanding international fame as a program facilitator Telemundo "Caso Cerrado". (GDA)

He was born in Havana, Cuba, on April 11, 1959. (Instagram)

Ana María Polo was a girl loved by her parents. He had a happy childhood. (Instagram)

At the age of 12, he emigrated with his family to Puerto Rico, where he studied at the Perpetual Help Academy. (Instagram)

She was always a brilliant student. (Instagram)

She was married when she was 19 years old with a man 10 years older than her. (Instagram)

After losing a child, he separated from his partner and decided to become independent. (Instagram)

But he did not stop believing in love and was married a second time. (Instagram)

However, he still failed and had to face a new divorce. (Instagram)

Ana María Polo studied at the Florida International University, where she obtained a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. (Instagram)

He then studied and obtained a law degree from the University of Miami. (Instagram)

Here we see her on her graduation day. (Instagram)

Already a lawyer, she specializes in family law and is licensed to practice in the state of Florida. (Instagram)

Ana María Polo began appearing on television on April 3, 2001 in her daily program "Sala de parejas". (Instagram)

She does not act as a judge in the show, but as an arbitrator who resolves disputes between litigants, who voluntarily come to the show. (Instagram)

The parties sign irrevocable contracts before appearing in the program, pledging to comply with the decision determined by Polo. (Instagram)

These decisions are legally binding and can be enforced. (Instagram)

Ana María Pía says that Colorado is the state where she likes most to be. (Instagram)

Ana María Polo and the late salsa singer Celia Cruz. (Instagram)

For some time, there have been rumors that Ana María is bisexual. (Instagram)

She does not deny it or do not claim it. (Instagram)

"You think of me all the time, everyone wants to know my life and with whom I sleep, but that should not interest anyone, so stop asking", she says when we do Questions about it. (Instagram)

The sup is the favorite sport of Ana María Polo. (Instagram)

She is a breast cancer survivor, that's why she became spokeswoman for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. (Instagram)

Campaigns across Latin America and the United States to raise awareness about this disease. (Instagram)

Ana María Polo and the Cuban actor Orlando Fundichely. (Instagram)

By far
work and effort, Ana María Polo has managed to study at the University
Florida International, where she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree
policies, then studied and received a law degree from the University of

I already like
a lawyer, she specializes in family law and is licensed to practice
the state of Florida.

Your dexterity
as a lawyer and professionalism they were so great that she began to be invited to
radio programs and, later, on television with "El Cristina's Show."

In 2001, he
his own program on TV: "Couple room". Four years
later his show was renamed "Case Closed" and the format was

Ana María
he had only two years at the head of his own program when the misfortune came
Back to his life. He was informed that he had breast cancer.

starting he thought it was the end, because he lost the ovaries, the thyroid gland and
your right chest; with integrity managed to overcome the disease.

In 2013, the
tragedy was presented again in his life. His father died of lung cancer
without giving him time to say goodbye.

sentimental, rumors have been circulating for a long time that they are bisexual.
He was romantically linked with his exuberant Marlene Kay. She does not do it
has denied or affirmed it.

He thinks of me all the time. Everyone wants to know in my life and with whom
I sleep But this should not interest anyone. So stop asking. "

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