The United States currently rejects military intervention in Nicaragua


The US government has ruled out military intervention to overcome the crisis in Nicaragua, said Carlos Trujillo, US Ambassador to the Organization of American States.

"The United States will do its utmost to return Nicaragua to democracy," said Trujillo. "All options are on the table," he said, although asked if this includes a military option he replied: "At this moment, no."

The diplomat said that Managua must return to negotiations Daniel Ortega's accusations against bishops. "When the government accuses mediators of being terrorists, it is very difficult to resume the dialogue, "he said.

Ortega called the putschists on Thursday and said they were complicit in internal forces and international groups, in his view they are acting in Nicaragua to overthrow him.

Support. Nicaragua's Great Civic Alliance expressed its support for the bishopric as a mediator of dialogue after the Ortega attack, and is declared ready to resume this process [1965] 9004] "We want to express our strong support for the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference in its work as mediator and witness to the national dialogue, which seeks to end the violence," said the Alliance for Justice and Democracy, which brings together university students, businessmen, representatives of civil society and farmers. "We are ready to resume the agenda of democratization and justice without delays or delays," the statement said.

Yesterday, the Catholic Church of Nicaragua held a day of fasting and prayer to exorcise San Miguel Arcángel, in compensation for the violence unleashed in the country

"Join us all in prayer and fasting, with our bishops, "Silvio Báez, an auxiliary bishop of Managua, urged in a statement. He invited Nicaraguans to live this day of fasting and prayer "with a heart free of bitterness and without resentment."

In the exorcism prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, the bishops above all urged the military, military police and other officials who support the violence against Nicaraguans by order of the government, to reflect on the serious and urgent situation of the countries and to make the decisions "That their conscience dictates to them and they commit themselves to defend the life, the truth and the justice."

Nicaragua Vice President Rosario Murillo warned yesterday that the putschists must answer to justice for the damage they caused during the demonstrations "They must pay for the destruction of so many lives, for all those who have suffered the criminal acts of terrorism who have made a coup d'etat, "he said. "Forgive but never forget these crimes against Nicaragua."

The Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Paulo Abrão, stressed that the state is solely responsible for the violence in Nicaragua.

Isabel Celaá, spokesperson for the Spanish executive, condemned the serious violent events that took place in the Central American nation and asked that all deaths occurred since April 18.

Arreaza offered help to Ortega

Nicolás Maduro, through Chancellor Jorge Arreaza, offered to defend the sovereignty of Nicaragua, during the celebration the 39th anniversary of the revolution that overthrew the dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle in 1979.

"Know, President Daniel Ortega, yes the Bolivarian people, the revolutionaries of Venezuela, we had to come to Nicaragua, to defend the sovereignty and the Independence of Nicaragua, to offer our We would go like Nicaragua, we would go like Sandino, towards the Nueva Segovia mountain ", said Arreaza

The words of Arreaza have added to the speculations about the alleged presence of Venezuelan and Cuban military officers who, according to the denunciations of Nicaraguan protesters, accompany the combined forces used by the government during the attack of the cities.

Ortega, who claimed that the crisis has attempted a coup attempt, praised the offer, and thanked the message. "A very young Chancellor, who spoke to us with his heart, when he speaks of the desire of Venezuelans to accompany our battles," he said.

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